During this period, someone asked Yang Zhu if it was not possible. Yang Zhu told them that Ning Mengyao was preparing books for the children. They were relieved. And the women also brought their fruits and vegetables to Ning Mengyao.

When I came here, I saw Ning Mengyao and Yang Lele busy in the yard. There were many books just bound by the desk.

"At last, it's all copied." Ning Mengyao stretched out a lot and beat her shoulder.

"Yes, when are you going to start?" In these days, the relationship between Yang Lele and Ning Mengyao is getting better and better. She also knows a few words, which makes her very happy.

Ning Mengyao thought: "you go back to Uncle Yang and say, let the villagers bring their children here tomorrow, I will register my name and send some books to them."


"No, just three copies, and then the rest after these studies." Ning Mengyao shook her head. She thought of a modern way of education. Maybe she could try it.

Yang Lele nods and agrees. If the child is lost, Yao Yao will have to write another copy. It's not worth it.

In the afternoon, Yang Lele went home and told Yang Zhu what Ning Mengyao meant. Yang Zhu hurriedly informed the villagers to come and tell them the good news.

In the early morning of the next day, there were many people standing at the gate of ningmengyao's house, some of them were children, all of them came, they heard that they could still send books, so they wanted to come and have a look.

Ning Mengyao opened the door to greet everyone to come over and let them all line up and come one by one.

Yang Lele sits beside Ning Mengyao. After she has a name, Yang Lele will hand the three books in front of her to the child.

There are twenty-six children in all. All the children are holding their books. They feel happy and touch again. They are reluctant to put them down.

"You bring all the books tomorrow morning, you know?" Ning Mengyao looked at the excited child and said with a smile.

"I see."

After getting the books, the villagers took their children home. After returning, they couldn't wait to open the books and look at the beautiful words written on them. Everyone thought Ning Mengyao was really good. I'm afraid it would take hundreds of words to buy these three books. Although they were copied, it took her a lot of time.

The next day, the children who signed up at ningmengyao had eaten early and were waiting at the door, which made ningmengyao have to open the door to let them in. At that time, in the courtyard with bricks, there were tables, chairs and benches.

"Sit in the order of height." Ning Mengyao looks at several children and smiles gently, but with a serious smile.

Next, Ning Mengyao began to teach them how to read. When they read, they read one word with their fingers.

It took about half an hour to read all three books. After reading them, Ning Mengyao began to teach them how to write, and the word is the character in the Three Character Classic.

There is a sandbox and a branch in front of each child. Ning Mengyao holds a branch of normal brush length and shows it to each child.

When they are not in the right posture, they will go to the teaching of hands.

After all the children met, Ning Mengyao wrote a personal information on the blackboard made of charcoal.

At the same time, he explained to the children, and every child listened very carefully. When Ning Mengyao said that he could practice, every child couldn't wait to write.

Lin er's qualification is the best. Looking at the words on the blackboard, he can write them neatly after only two times. There may be some reasons for the simplicity of the words.

After every child learned to write people, Ning Mengyao taught them the word again. This word is a little difficult for many children. When they can't write, Ning Mengyao taught them how to handle hands. After two or three times, they will almost be able to do it.

Then there is the first word, which is a little difficult. Half an hour later, there are only two or three people who can write, among which lin'er and Xiao Mu are.