Ning Mengyao, who was teaching some children how to read in the yard, could not help frowning and looked down at Xiaomu and said, "first, you read the book yourself, and I'll go out and have a look."

"Yes, sir." Several children ignored the outside voice, read carefully, and reviewed the knowledge that Ning Mengyao had just taught.

Ningmengyao walked out of the door and saw a middle-aged woman standing at the door, with her hands akimbo, looking like a shrew.

"Who are you, Madame?" Although the other side's words are not so pleasant, Ning Mengyao's fine upbringing still makes her say nothing unpleasant.

Chen hung a pair of eyes, looked at the woman in front of him contemptuously, and asked, "you are the foreign woman Ning Mengyao?"

A little frown, Ning Mengyao looks at Chen's eyeground and says, "I'm Ning Mengyao, I don't know you..."

"No wonder that poor boy Joe Tianchang can speak for you. He looks so charming." Chen looked at Ning Mengyao with a sarcastic look, and his tone and expression were very contemptuous.

Don't think about it. She already knows who the person in front of her is, the mother of the girl named Yang Cui.

"This lady, if you're just saying this, I'm sorry, I'm busy. I don't have time to listen to your nonsense." With that, Ning Mengyao turns around to leave, but Chen grabs her.

Chen pointed to Ning Mengyao's face and shouted angrily, "you shameless woman, even if you don't want to, even if you still have my daughter, you should not stay in this Baishan village. I must let my son talk to the village head and let you get out of here."

Originally, Ning Mengyao thought that the other side was an elder, so she didn't want to say anything, and didn't want to find any trouble with him, but she didn't expect that this person was reluctant to give up, which made her very unhappy.

"Oh, what qualification do you have for me to leave this place?" Ning Mengyao reached out to open Chen's hand and threw it away, pointing to her own hands. She asked calmly.

Chen looked at Ning Mengyao and said proudly, "my son is the only scholar in Baishan village. Who dares not to listen to the words of the scholar master?"

Ningmengyao nodded to show that she knew. When Chen thought she was going to compromise, she suddenly said, "I'm going to ask the so-called scholar master if she can do something for the sister of the scholar's family when she intrudes into the house. There's such a disrespectful sister who only wants to run towards a man's house. He can't lose this face."

In ancient times, the most important thing for such a famous person is his reputation. Chen just wanted to refute, Ning Mengyao continued with a smile: "in addition, I would like to ask him if he has such a mother. Doesn't he feel ashamed as a scholar master?"

Chen's what she shows now is to show off and to be superior.

As a scholar's master's mother, it's not wrong to consciously be superior. If you want to use this identity to slander others and do something bad, you will lose face to the so-called scholar's old man.

Chen family is blocked by these two words of ningmengyao. Although her son didn't stop her from showing off in front of others or treating people with a superior attitude, he can't tolerate doing anything bad with his reputation.

As long as someone with a little brain knows who is right and who is wrong, she just said something casually. Unexpectedly, she knew so much in this lonely girl.

Generally speaking, when hearing the words of the scholar master, she was trembling with fear, but instead of being afraid, she threatened herself.

If she had to do something today, I'm afraid she would be finished.

It's not good for anyone to have a brain.

"What else can I do for you, madam?" Chen doesn't speak, but the twinkling eyes in her eyes make Ning Mengyao's mouth slightly rise.

Chen squinted at Ning Mengyao, and suddenly said, "I don't want you to do anything for the sake that you are just a poor orphan girl. You can apologize to my daughter. However, you can promise in front of all the people in the village that you won't seduce Qiao Tianchang's poor boy in the future."

As a matter of course, Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing. This man really looked at himself.