"Well, this must be what I'm going to do. Then I'll help you get it right now. It's all about saving." Yang Zhu said as he walked out.

Being amused by such a popular situation as Yang Zhu, Ning Mengyao was helpless: "Uncle Yang hasn't even given you money, so you go?"

Yang Zhu is stunned, this just reacts to come over, some embarrassed smile.

Ning Mengyao took out 350 liang of silver to Yang Zhu: "Yang Zhu, I know that going to the County Yamen to deal with these things must cost money. If there is any left, I will make hard money for you."

"No, how can it?" Yang Zhu hurriedly declined.

"Uncle Yang, if you do, I won't have the face to ask for your help in the future." There are rules in the village, which are good when buying land.

Yang Zhu helplessly looks at Ning Mengyao: "come on, I listen to you." Said to leave home, ready to help Ning Mengyao get things done.

Originally, Yang Zhu was in a hurry this time. It didn't take him much time to make it. He put those heaven and earth under the name of Ning Mengyao.

When the villagers got the news, everything was settled.

Many people didn't say anything. They just thought Ning Mengyao was very rich. When he bought these fields, he would be a small landlord.

Just a few people who want to buy land are not happy. They haven't heard the news yet, and the land has been bought. How could such a thing happen?

So when all the people who wanted to buy the land discussed it, they came to Yang Zhu's house, including Chen.

Although her family is rich, but the field is not much, she also wants to buy more days, rent out and then receive rent.

But now it's all over.

When they came to Yang Zhu's house, Chen took the lead in saying, "although we know that your family has a good relationship with that girl, can't you? I sold all the heaven and earth without saying a word. Have you asked our opinion? "

Chen's words are not liked by people, especially ningmengyao who heard the news.

When she was about to speak, Yang Zhu said, "listen to your opinion? Are you the village head or am I the village head? You said you want to buy land. Can you buy all the 75 mu land or what? "

Chen's face turned ugly: "you can't say that, can you? Even if we can't buy it all, we have to buy a few mu of land. If you sell it all to her like this, we won't live on. " Chen's words are a threat.

Yang Zhu took a look at Chen Shi and said lightly: "I sold the land to girl Mengyao. She happened to have the land when she came to ask. You didn't come to tell me in advance that you wanted to buy the land. Why do I have to go door to door to ask if you can't? Who's not to blame now? "

This is the way of buying land in the village. If you want to buy land, you should say in advance that when there is a suitable one, the village head will inform you.

But they said they wanted to buy land, but before that, there was not a bit of noise. If they didn't say they wanted to buy land, now they still talk about it. Isn't that a trouble?

When they heard this, they looked at each other. Yeah, they didn't tell the village head that there were so many places to buy together. Isn't that good? You can't let the village head and his family inform you, can you?

If so, I'm afraid that in the end the mountains and dry lands will be left behind, and all the fields sold will be paddy fields, but they are different. No matter how bad they are, they will buy them all?

All of a sudden, a lot of people have no opinion. Only Chen is not happy and yells: "village head, you look down on people, don't you?"

Yang Zhu wants to talk, Ning Mengyao comes out first, looks at Chen's light and says: "seventy five mu land, a total of three hundred and fifty-two, you want to buy it, now give me the money to give you the land, don't shout if you don't buy it all."

"You..." Chen Shi glares at Ning Mengyao. She just wants to buy a few acres of good land. It's impossible for her to buy the land that can't grow crops in the dry land of the mountain.

"What am I? If you want to buy it, buy it all. If you don't buy it, don't make trouble here. If you are a scholar's mother, don't be ashamed. " Ning Mengyao snorted scornfully.

They all shrunk their necks and didn't speak. Ning Mengyao's words were very clear, that is, if you have the ability, you can buy everything, and if you don't have the ability, you can go to the side to cool off.