Ningmengyao looks at each other. It's a man in his thirties and forties. He's not tall, but he's ugly. On the face like orange bark, there's a smile that makes her very disgusted. Under such a smile, ningmengyao is really disgusted.

"You're going to be my brother?" Ning Mengyao looks at each other with her eyebrows raised. She asks with a smile.

Wang laizi is from the village next to Baishan village. He doesn't do anything good on weekdays. Many young girls in their village are harassed by him. Generally, when they go out, they run away when they see him. They are afraid of being caught.

When Wang mangzi saw ningmengyao smile like this, his saliva immediately left behind. He looked at ningmengyao stupidly: "yes, yes, I want to be your brother, I want to be your love brother."

He has heard that the little lady is very rich. She has just bought a large area of land. If she becomes her own, she will not raise money.

So thinking, Wang mangzi pounced on Ning Mengyao directly.

In Wang's eyes, Ning Mengyao is the kind of soft and weak person, certainly not his own opponent, but just when Wang is about to hold up, his body suddenly flies back out and smashes fiercely into the field on the edge.

Ning Mengyao came to Wang Shaozi's side, and looked at him with his hands around his chest: "want to be my brother? Or love brother? I want you to love your brother. I want you to follow me. "

One side said, Ning Mengyao side toward the king's body kicked up.

Ningmengyao, who has learned martial arts but hasn't received his strength yet, kicks people down with one foot and calls them out all the time. How pitiful is that? He knows what is weak and nobody is? This is a rose with thorns.

"Oh, my aunt, I'm wrong. I'll never do it again. Please forgive me." A few feet down, Wang mangzi begged for mercy.

He's not a tough guy. It's normal for him to beg for mercy like this.

Ningmengyao stops her feet and squats down to look at someone who is curling up. She says in a cold voice, "want me to let you go? Then tell me who asked you to follow me. "

In this village, she did not see this person at all. How could someone from another village suddenly come to Baishan village? He followed her and wanted to know what was going on with his toes.

Wang mangzi was stunned. Unexpectedly, the girl guessed it all.

"Why don't you want to say that? It's ok if you don't say it. Let's continue. I'll see when you can receive it. " Ning Mengyao stood up and said it doesn't matter. She raised her feet as she spoke, as if she would kick directly in the next moment.

"I said, I said." Wang mangzi, protecting his head, said hurriedly.

"Then don't talk nonsense. My patience is not so good."

"Yes, I said, the one with scholar in your village. His mother said that you have money and are beautiful." The voice of Wang mangzi is smaller and smaller. He can't hear what he said at the back.

Ning Mengyao looks at Wang Shaozi, his eyes are cold: "are you sure it's Chen?"

"Yes, she is. Her daughter also said that she would let me contaminate your innocence." Ning Mengyao's eyes were cold, and he could not help shrinking his neck and swallowing his saliva. He would never look at Baishan village again, which was life-threatening.

"Get up, go back."

"Well, you What do you want to do? "

"Why not? I just want you to testify against Chen. Why don't you dare?" Ning Mengyao looked at Wang Shaozi with a smile and said in a cold voice.

Wang mangzi's neck shrank and shook his head: "I dare not. Her son is a scholar, but he doesn't need to kneel when he sees the county Lord. I How dare I. "

"I'll beat you up and lie in bed for a few months. You'd better follow me. You can choose." Ning Mengyao looked down at Wang mangzi and said in a cold voice.

Wang mangzi looked at Ning Mengyao without tears. "I beg you, auntie. I know it's wrong. I don't know Taishan with my eyes. Please let me go this time. I'll never dare again."

Ning Mengyao didn't speak but looked at Wang Shaozi with chilly eyes. At last, Wang Shaozi chose not to see Chen Shi even if he was beaten.