Without Chen's family to find trouble, Ning Mengyao's life gradually calmed down, but soon the family became busy again, because of her dozens of acres of paddy fields.

Seeing these people from her family, some of them are the children's families who come here to read Chinese characters. Their families are poor. Now I hear people say that Ning Mengyao is going to rent out the fields she just bought. Isn't this all coming?

In the last 20 mu of superior paddy field, all the people who come here have several mu, and they need to pay taxes before they give ningmengyao three achievements every year.

The middle-class paddy field was rented by the two families who were more difficult. Although it was not comparable to the first-class paddy field, it was also good. In the end, the rent was only 20% after the tax was paid. The people who came to rent the field were very satisfied.

The yield of superior paddy field is totally different from that of medium paddy field.

In the end, the five Mu second-class paddy field, which Ning Mengyao didn't intend to rent, was just a migrant who said that they didn't have a field at home. Second-class paddy fields are second-class. More fertilizer can make it.

There is no way, Ning Mengyao can only rent the five mu land.

Finally, it's easy to say that after receiving the two generations, they will hand in the rental. It will not be delayed for sure. Yang Zhu is with them all the way, and he also helps Ning Xuan to record together.

After finishing, all the people left. Ning Mengyao looked at Yang Zhu and said, "Uncle Yang is really bothering you today."

Yang Zhu shook his head and said, "what's the trouble, but girl, what are you going to do with other mountains and dry lands?" There are thirty-five acres left.

Ning Mengyao thought about it and said it again.

"Now that you have an idea, uncle doesn't say much. If you need any help, please tell Uncle." Seeing that Ning Mengyao had already thought about his plan, Yang Zhu smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it's natural."

After talking with Ning Mengyao for a while, Yang Zhu left, and Ning Mengyao took out her pen, ink, paper and inkstone and began to write continuously. That was her plan, but also something else.

It took a whole afternoon for Ning Mengyao to get everything right. At last, he found that a dry land near the East didn't seem to work, and there was a big river.

As for why the land is still dry by the river, it is because the terrain there is too high. Not only that, the river is too deep, and the water can not be brought up for irrigation.

After thinking about it, Ning Mengyao got up and locked himself out, came to the place, looked at the turbulent river below, then walked forward, and found that the water in front was faster, so he had a plan in mind.

Isn't it suitable to dig fish ponds and raise fish here?

After returning from the river, Ning Mengyao thought it was a good decision to dig a fish pond and raise fish, so she quickly wrote her ideas on rice paper and joined the previous plan.

After doing everything, Ning Mengyao found that she was actually a little hungry.

After touching the empty stomach, Ning Mengyao stood up and walked towards the kitchen. She made herself a plate of fried rice and moved the embroidery frame out to start embroidery.

Not long after the beginning, an unexpected guest came in, that is, Yang Xiuer, who had just come before.

She stood by her side and looked at herself with inquiring eyes. It seemed that she had done something shameful, which made Ning Mengyao extremely disgusted.

"You seem to have forgotten what I said." Ningmengyao's movements are ceaseless, but her voice is as indifferent as ice.

Yang Xiu'er's body is slightly stiff. She turns to look at Ning Mengyao, with a bitter smile on her lips: "you really can't hold me like this?"

These days, the treatment Yang Cui received chilled her heart. Wasn't she like that before? Because he tried to get something from Ning Mengyao, but at last he got himself upset.

Ning Mengyao's movement pauses, looks up at Yang Xiuer with tears in her eyes, and satirizes: "can't I hold you? What do I have to do with you? "

Yang Xiuer was shocked. She thought that Ning Mengyao would say a lot and even forgive herself. But when she heard her words, Yang Xiuer knew how naive and stupid she was.