After solving Roche's problem, Ning Mengyao went home to wash and then fell asleep. The next morning, she went up the mountain with a basket on her back. However, she had almost picked grapes in the place where she went yesterday. She was not familiar with the mountain here.

When she was in trouble, Ning Mengyao saw Qiao Tianchang coming down from the mountain, and her eyes lit up. This man walked up the mountain every day. Should she know?

"Oh, wait a minute."

Qiao Tianchang saw Ning Mengyao for a long time, but he didn't say hello. Now when he heard her talking to him, he stopped.


Ning Mengyao nodded. Of course, something happened, and something had to happen.

"Do you know where this fruit is on this mountain?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with her eyes full of expectation.

Looking down at the fruit in her hand, Qiao Tianchang nodded: "yes, a lot."

Now, Ning Mengyao is happy, with a little bit of coquetry in her voice: "then would you like to take me to pick it?"

Qiao Tianchang looks down at Ning Mengyao and doesn't understand why she picked this? So sour she likes to eat? But it's half a basket, isn't it enough?

"It's sour."

"I know. I don't use it for food. I use it for wine making. Wine. You pick it for me. When the wine is ready, how about I share half of it with you?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with bright eyes.

Qiao Tianchang was interested in wine when she was talking about it. Now seeing her bright eyes again, he couldn't help laughing.

From the first time she met, she was very cold. There was such a lovely time?

"Well, I'll help you pick them. Take these and go back first. I'll go to the mountain to pick them. They are all in the deep mountain." Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao and hands over the wild game. Fortunately, there are not many wild game that she can't take today.

"Good." Ningmengyao nodded with a smile, took a few rabbits and pheasants and turned away. As for how Qiao Tianchang would take the grapes back, she really didn't think about it at all.

When she got home, Ning Mengyao saw that she had made wine from what she had picked. Then she looked down at some pheasants on the ground and thought about it. Qiao Tianchang helped her. She should invite others to dinner, too, right?

Thinking of this, Ning Mengyao went into the house to boil water and scalded chicken to pluck hair.

When Qiao Tianchang comes back with a big bag of grapes, Ning Mengyao has already cooked the meal.

Just entering the yard, Qiao Tianchang smelled the strong fragrance, couldn't help but reach out and touch his stomach. Suddenly he felt hungry.

"You're back? Come to dinner first. " Ningmengyao greets Qiao Tianchang.

Qiao Tianchang nodded and went to the well to wash his face. Then there were many delicious food on the table beside the dinner table, which made him feel like saliva flowing.

"Thank you for picking my fruit."

"No thanks." Qiao Tianchang shakes his head as he eats. It's delicious. It's much better than those delicious food before.

Ning Mengyao didn't speak, and she was eating slowly.

After dinner, Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao, who opens the bag and seems to be making wine. He asks, "do you want me to help you?"

"I don't have enough sugar in the jar. Can you buy it for me? I'll give you the money. " Say to take out silver.

"I'm just going to sell the game and buy it for you. I have my own wine. I still have the money for the wine jar." Qiao Tianchang said, picking up the game on the ground and going out.

Ning Mengyao is stupefied for a while, then continues the movement with a smile.

After they bought the wine jar and sugar, Ning Mengyao finished half of it.

In the next few days, Qiao Tianchang would take a big bag to go out every day. At noon, he resisted a bag of grapes to go to ningmengyao's house. She was embarrassed, so he made delicious food for Qiao Tianchang every day, and he also used his game to make some jars of meat sauce for him and some of her previous mushroom sauce.

In this way, Joe Tianchang is very happy. He wants to ask after eating once, but it's not very interesting.

Because of the wine making, the relationship between the two gradually became closer.