Ningmengyao carefully considers Qiao Tianchang's words. When she didn't want to do anything before, it doesn't matter if she did. If she wants to do it now, it's time to buy some people back.

He reached out and rubbed his forehead: "I know. It's really time to buy two people back."

"Do it yourself." Qiao Tianchang just suggested.

After discussion, Ning Mengyao went to the county town the next day to buy some people from renyazi.

When I got there, I saw several people. Ning Mengyao said, should she turn around and leave?

"Girl, what kind of person do you want? I have all kinds of them. Take a look. " Grandma saw that Ning Mengyao was dressed so well, and said that she was flattered.

Ning Mengyao took a deep breath, looked at the people inside, and pointed to three girls, a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman.

I bought five of them, but the grandmother couldn't see them with a smile.

Ningmengyao takes people back, closes the door and looks at five people.

"See you, miss." Five people kneel on the ground at the same time, looking respectfully at Ning Mengyao.

"Why are you here, uncle Jiang?" Ningmengyao reached out and rubbed her forehead. When she left, she didn't tell them where she was and how she found it.

Jiang Quan looked at Ning Mengyao and frowned. He disagreed. "We went to see the young lady, but we found her house was burned to ashes. At the beginning, we didn't agree with you living there, but you didn't listen."

God knows how worried they are when they see the mess all over the ground.

They don't understand why they want to live in such a small farmyard when they can't live in such a good house.

Ningmengyao was shocked. It was because of this that they found the house: "I burned the house myself."

"What? You made it yourself? Why, miss? " Jiang Quan couldn't believe looking at her young lady. Didn't she like the house very much? Why did you burn the house?

Ningmengyao's face was stiff, with a stiff smile: "Uncle Jiang is like this." Ning Mengyao tells uncle Jiang what happened to them.

After listening, Jiang Quan's face turned white: "damn Lingluo, do you think it's great that you are the son of the world? In a hurry, we will cut off the goods of his marquis. "

"OK, uncle Jiang, I'm ok. I have nothing to do with him." Seeing the angry appearance of Uncle Jiang, Ning Mengyao smiled.

Jiang Quan sighed heavily at his young lady. He was helpless in his eyes. In their eyes, Lingluo was their young lady's good match, but now, it's just a scum man.

A girl in blue said angrily, "Miss, if you say one, I will destroy their house."

"OK, Qingxue, you are a girl. Don't shout and kill like this." Ning Mengyao stroked her forehead and sighed. How could these guys under her be so violent.

"Miss, I think Qingxue is right." The girl beside Qingxue looks at Ning Mengyao with cold expression.

When's their miss's turn to be bullied? It's not going to kill.

It's because of that scum man that they took so long to find the young lady. It's really pissed them off.

Ning Mengyao looks at the furious woman with tears and smiles: "Qingshuang, I'm ok. In fact, it's not close. I have nothing to do with him."

"Well, you, Miss definitely said that it's OK, then don't say it again, but don't let that man near miss to understand later?" The middle-aged woman beside looked at Qingxue and Qingshuang and said in a cold voice.

"It's grandma Qin."

No one knows the name of mother-in-law Qin. When they knew her, they began to call her mother-in-law Qin.

"Now that you are here, stay here. It's good to build a workshop here." Ning Mengyao yawned and looked at them casually.

Qingxue looks at Ning Mengyao and smiles: "don't worry, miss. What are you going to do this time?"

"Sauce, if you want it, I'll make it."

"Oh, let's do that."
