Looking at her young lady, Mrs. Qin frowned and said the rumours in the village. After listening to them, Ning Mengyao was not very angry: "if you want to say something on them, just let them know."

Ningmengyao didn't care about it at all.

"Miss, it's about your reputation." How can a young lady get married in the future? Those people are really too much. Don't let her know who said it.

"I know. Do you really like a person and care about her reputation? Besides, I don't want to get married right now. " Ningmengyao shrugged and said lightly.

Qin's mother-in-law saw her young lady saying that, but she had no choice but to nod: "I know, but these people can't let go."

"Well, my mother-in-law, forget about it. This is a small mountain village after all. People are like this. Don't worry. They come to beg me." Ning Mengyao's eyes gradually turned cold.

Do you really think she'll just let it go? Of course not. Since she plans to build a workshop here, she will not be the only one. There will be more employees in the future. For those who jump the most, she will see what to do in the future.

Mother-in-law Qin looked at Ning Mengyao doubtfully and didn't understand her meaning.

It was Qingxue on the edge who explained: "if you want to build a Chuang Tzu and a workshop here, you need a lot of people, and then you need help."

As soon as Qingxue said that, mother Qin understood immediately.

She just went out to have a look. In fact, this mountain village is just like this. It's not very rich. If the young lady wants to build a Chuang Tzu and a workshop here, she will definitely need someone to work.

Although it may seem shameless and immoral to do so, we should use whatever means to deal with any kind of people.

Ningmengyao is hitting the table with one hand. If you want to do it, build another wine shop.

"It's used to grow fruit trees in the mountains." Ning Mengyao suddenly opens her mouth.

"Why?" At the same time, people looked at Ning Mengyao with doubts in her eyes.

She didn't think about it before, because she had her own worries. Now Jiang Quan and them are all here. That is to say, those guys know that she is here, so they should make it bigger.

At that time, Lingluo will know that he is here, but what about that? His foundation has been stable, and he will not bring much trouble to himself.

"Wine making."

"Miss, can you use fruit as well?"

"Well, not only can we make wine from fruit, but also from petals." Peach blossom wine and apricot blossom wine were her favorite two kinds of wine, very good to drink.

"In that line, buy some fruit trees to plant in spring." Jiang Quan decided the matter with a clap of his hand.

So the matter discussed by several people, from the outside, became a kind of fruit tree, and then wine was made.

After waiting for mother Qin to go to the kitchen, Qingshuang looks at Ning Mengyao and says in a cold voice, "Miss, we should let Qingxuan come with us." Although her martial arts are not weak, they are much worse than those of Qingxuan.

Ningmengyao shook her head: "it's not necessary to do this for the time being."


"That's it." Ningmengyao interrupts Qingshuang and frowns slightly. Seeing her like this, Qingshuang and others know that she doesn't want to continue this topic.

There are rumors outside because there is no explanation and response from Ning Mengyao. However, half of the people do not follow them. They know what kind of people they are. If she is really that kind of ruthless person, why is it so convenient to rent the land to others?

These are just what those envious people will say. Moreover, she has built a workshop and will definitely have people. They are just cutting off their own way. I hope they don't cry at last.

A lot of things will happen in a month, but for the ordinary people in Baishan village, they think it's too happy. Because Ning Mengyao is looking for someone to work. Some people are in the workshop, some are helping to turn over the mountains and a forest in the back, and all the trees are cut down. Sixty or seventy yuan a day, and one or two liang of silver a month, which is a great good thing.

For other people, it's remorse. After the rumors came out, they said the worst. They didn't have the face to find work.