When Yang Lele led Ning Mengyao to the village, he patted his chest: "I thought grandma Qin would not let you come with me."

"Why?" Ning Mengyao shakes her head helplessly. It seems that Yang Lele knows a lot about the people around her.

"What do you want to buy today?" Yang Lele looked at Ning Mengyao and asked curiously.

Ning Mengyao thought about it, as if she had nothing to buy today: "I don't know. Go and have a look then."

"Well, together, I'm going to buy two kinds of jewelry for myself and my sister-in-law. I'm going to buy some ink for my nephew and two clothes for my parents." Yang Lele said what he wanted to buy.

In these two months, she made dozens of Liang from Aunt Luo, gave some to her family, and had a lot in her hand, so she wanted to dress up.

"I'll see for you then."

"This is good."

Two people talk and laugh, fall in the eyes of Yang Xiuer and Luo Shi, who are going to town, that is a dazzling.

Roche was released before his childhood. After he came out, he was very strong and thin. It seems that you have suffered a lot in prison.

When Ning Mengyao came, Roche began to say, "Oh, isn't this the eldest lady in our village? Why are you coming with us to make a bullock cart? "

A light look at Roche, Ning Mengyao did not speak, but whispered with Yang Lele what, and so on to almost, on the car to the town.

Roche originally wanted to get in trouble with Ning Mengyao. Who knew that she even ignored herself? It was a disgrace to her, and her face was naturally ugly.

He glared at Ning Mengyao fiercely. As soon as he was about to speak, Ning Mengyao said lightly, "if you want to move your eyes away from me."

Although the eyes won't let her, she just doesn't like Roche to look at herself with such eyes.

Such eyes made her feel very disgusted.

"You You really think you're a big lady? It's shameless, and I don't see what kind of person I am. " Roche said sarcastically.

"Yes, I don't know what kind of person I am, a thief. I don't think it's dirty to start." Ning Mengyao retorted rudely.

There are several women working in ningmengyao, or men working in her, making a lot of money, going to the town to buy some jewelry for themselves, etc.

Now I can't help frowning at Roche's words like this: "you can say less, they didn't provoke you."

"That's it."

One by one, she was adding blocks to Roche. She was so angry that she almost didn't have a paw to shoot at them.

Roche snorted coldly and looked at the man in the car sarcastically: "you are the dog of others now, so you should help others talk naturally."

As soon as they said this, they were not happy, and said angrily, "Roche, don't be shameless. What's the matter with us making money by our own ability? Dog? You are not willing to be a dog. "

"You You... " Roche was trembling with their anger and reached for them, but he didn't say a word.

Ning Mengyao looked at Roche sarcastically and said lightly: "there's no need to talk to such a person more. If a dog bites us, we can't bite the dog, can we? I'm not afraid of biting. "

"Yes, Mengyao said that she was jealous."

"How can we get to know each other as animals?"

Yang Xiuer looks at Ning Mengyao discontentedly: "what do you mean, Ning Mengyao? Do you think it's great that you have some money? "

Ning Mengyao glanced at Yang Xiuer lightly and said casually, "I'm really great to have money, because it's earned by my own skills. If you have skills, you can earn it."

"That's what the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked."

"Yang Xiu'er, how can I smell so sour? Is that what white eyed wolf said about you? Now I'm saying that others are not. If you had been home for a long time, I would have stayed here. " Yang Lele doesn't like Yang Xiuer's appearance. It seems that she is bothered to see who owes her so much money.