Staring at Yang Lele's back, Yang Xiuer said angrily, "why do you say that to me? Everything you have today is mine. "

If it wasn't for Yang Lele to step in, all she got today would be her own, and how could she have some share.

See Yang Xiuer not only don't know to repent but also this arrogant appearance, immediately shook his head, how can such children do in the future.

Everyone left in succession, but soon the village spread the story all over. Their bad reputation became worse, but it had nothing to do with Ning Mengyao.

Qingxue and others are not very good-looking when they see their Miss back. They are not happy at once. How can they get angry when they go out?

"What's wrong with Miss?"

"It's OK. I met some unrelated people."

"Since it's an irrelevant person, why is miss still angry?" Green bamboo blinks at Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao was stunned, and then laughed: "this is the difference between me. I really shouldn't be angry."

This matter was soon forgotten by ningmengyao.

The next day, Ning Mengyao went to Yang Zhu's house to deliver the annual gift. In addition to Yang Zhu's house, Ning Mengyao also sent some to Qiao Tianchang.

However, when Yang Cui saw it, her ugly face made Ning Mengyao feel helpless. It's a matter of how to get there.

Qiao Tianchang saw Yang Cui staring at them all the time, his eyes flashed with disgust: "don't care."

"Well, I know. I'll go first."

"So go back and be careful." It snowed a few days ago, and the road was still slippery. Qiao Tianchang was worried about her falling.

"I know. You go back. It's cold." Ningmengyao waved to Qiao Tianchang and left.

Taking the annual gift given by Ning Mengyao, Qiao Tianchang looked at the back of her leaving and knew that the figure left before turning around to go back.

However, Yang Cui was mad and jealous: "brother Qiao, I don't understand why you should be so kind to that bitch."

Qiao Tianchang was in a good mood, because Yang Cui's words disappeared. He turned around and looked at Yang Cui coldly: "let me hear you insult her again, and I will try to pull out your tongue if you don't believe it."

He doesn't like a woman like Yang Cui. He's obsessed with fighting and dying.

Recently, when he didn't go to the mountain, the woman saw the opportunity. She came to block people every day, which made him very upset. At last, she directly stayed at home and didn't leave, which made people hide.

Yang Cui desperately clenched her fist, looked at Qiao Tianchang and left with something. Her face was very ugly.

"Joe, I'll make you regret it." This man is her. No one can rob her. Whoever steals her will kill her.

Before, when there was no ningmengyao, Qiao Tianchang was very good to her. In her heart, ningmengyao appeared, so Qiao Tianchang would treat her like that. How could she not be angry?

When Qiao Tianchang heard Yang Cui's words, he stopped for a moment. A smile suddenly appeared on his hard face, but it seeped into people's eyes.

"Yangcui, I tell you, if you dare to move Mengyao for a while, I will let your family bury you. I can say it and do it. If you don't believe it, try it."

At this moment, Yang Cui felt that her blood was cold. She always thought that even though Qiao Tianchang's face was not good, it was all about her. But now she understood that it was just her own idea.

At this moment, she realized that it was all her own love.

"Joe Tianchang, you dare not do that to me."

Joe Tianchang laughed sarcastically: "I dare you to try and see if you know?"

Yang Cui didn't respond until Qiao Tianchang closed the door and went back to the house.

It wasn't until Chen came and asked her to respond, and by this time her body was cold.

Joe Tianchang sits on the stool and taps on the table with one hand. He feels that he shouldn't live in this place anymore. It's not the same to be harassed like this every day.

I want to build a house, but I'm afraid it's a little difficult to build a house now.

Let's wait until next year.

Think about it. Qiao Tianchang opens the food that ningmengyao sent. There are fish and meat in it. There are also many other things that she makes by herself.