Qiao Tianchang has never been in such a grumpy mood. Does this woman want to be shameful? Even when someone else locks the door, he runs to other people again and again. That's OK. What's the owner's appearance? Who is it for.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang's increasingly gloomy face, Yang Cui knew something bad. She expected AI to come to Qiao Tianchang's side and whispered, "what's wrong with you, brother Qiao? Don't be angry, will you? "

Qiao Tianchang took a deep breath and threw the man out directly with his collar.

It's strange to see Yang Cui thrown out by Qiao Tianchang.

"What's the matter with you, Joe?" It's hard to look like this.

Qiao Tianchang didn't answer the other party's words, but looked at Yang Cui with cold bloodthirsty eyes: "Yang Cui, I warned you for the last time that you want to go to my house secretly, then don't blame me for being rude and annoying me. I can do anything. If you don't believe me, try it."

This words, let Yang Cui's face change greatly, she looked at Qiao Tianchang flustered, faltered and said: "brother Qiao, what are you saying I can't understand."

"Can't understand? Then I'll make it clear carefully. Before I was at home, you ran over the wall to my house, and I won't say anything. Now, for the new year's Eve, you come to add another block for me. Even if you go over the wall, you'll still be there. My home is not your home. You'd better remember clearly for me. Besides, you're a woman. Don't be so shameless. " Qiao Tianchang's words made people look at each other. What was the appearance of this man's anger? Speak so seriously.

However, seeing Yang Cui's pale face, I know that this matter is mostly true. Otherwise, why don't others talk about her?

"Isn't it? Girl Cui, are you running to someone else's house again? Didn't I remind you before? " The man who saw Yang Cui climbing the wall stared at Yang Cui and said that he couldn't believe it.

As soon as this words came out, people were curious to ask how it was. After hearing the explanation from each other, they looked at Yang Cui with contempt.

"Although Cui said you have a brother of a scholar, you can't break into the house without permission? If you care about it, you will go to jail. "

"That's right, cuiya, you are old enough to talk about marriage. It's better to respect yourself."

Villagers, once you said it, I said it, Yang Cui's face was ugly to death, but she couldn't find any refutation.

At last, Yang Cuixin looked at Qiao Tianchang and said, "brother Qiao, I know it's wrong. I really like you. I just want to marry you."

Qiao Tianchang looks at Yang Cui sarcastically: "I'm sorry, I don't like you, and I don't want to marry such a shameless woman as you." Then he closed the door and walked towards Yang Zhu's house.

He's really going crazy living here.

Originally Yang Cui thought that he would marry him, and he would agree directly. Who ever thought that he not only didn't agree, but also belittled himself like this.

She believes that after today, she will become a shameless woman in the eyes of others.

People's pointing made Yang Cui a little intolerable. She ran back with her face covered. She knew it would be like this. She really shouldn't have done it. Now it's good. Stealing chickens doesn't eat rice.

After Qiao Tianchang asked Yang Zhu, he knew that the ground at the foot of the mountain had been bought by ningmengyao. If he wanted to buy some, he could only go to ningmengyao to buy some.

Qiao Tianchang was a little surprised by this result, but she didn't care much about it later. After all, the land there is ownerless. Now she started to build a workshop, and it doesn't look too small. It's natural that she bought the sole of her shoes.

"Thank you, village head. I'll ask her."


When Qiao Tianchang came here, Ning Mengyao was planning the back of the mountain, as well as the surrounding land just bought.

"Brother Joe, what can I do for you?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang doubtfully.

"I want to buy some land from you, not too much, just like one or two acres." Qiao Tianchang didn't show any affectation either. He explained his intention directly.