Yang Cui bit her lips and didn't speak. Now the most important thing in their family is about the second brother's test.

If he passes the exam, their family status will rise and rise, including her, so at this time, they can only nod obediently: "I know."

The head of the family suddenly said, "well, don't talk so much about the Spring Festival."

Yang Cui looked at her father and didn't speak. At this time, when she came out to be a good person, she wanted to persuade her. She had already spoken when they said it. As for whether she would speak until they said they had a good scolding? It's not a fuss. What is it?

How can Yang Cui be threatened at home? Ning Mengyao can't control it. Now she is busy with tomorrow's business.

Although the first day of the first month, do not go out, but there are still many children at home will come.

So some snacks for tomorrow need to be prepared. Not only that, but also some red envelopes.

"How many coppers are there in it, miss?" Asked Mrs. Qin, looking at her young lady.


"Yes." Mrs. Qin thought about it and nodded.

There are no more than eight, and the moral is good.

In the early morning of the next day, after dinner, Ning Mengyao and other people filled the table in the hall with all kinds of snacks and snacks.

Before long, there were children coming, first Xiao Mu and Lin Er, and then Yang Zhibo. These children came in front and back. Ning Mengyao asked them to take something to eat by themselves, and another sent them a red envelope.

"Happy new year to sister Mengyao."

"Happy new year."

People take the red bag of Ning Mengyao's hair. They are happy. Their husband is good. They can take the red bag for the new year.

And the food here is delicious.

After everyone filled their pockets with clothes, they left with Ning Mengyao and went to someone else's house.

There were many children this day, but Ning Mengyao also found it interesting, especially the bright eyes of those children when they got the red bag.

It seems that this is no different from the modern children. They all hope to pay lucky money in the new year.

Although the children here will hand in the money after the new year.

Until the afternoon, when the sun was west, the number of children in the family gradually decreased. Some children even came twice, but they were embarrassed to take red envelopes for the second time. They just took some food to say good new year's Eve and ran away. Ning Mengyao was a little embarrassed.

On the whole, it's a good year.

At the beginning of the year, erning Mengyao didn't have a place to go. Originally, he wanted to go to Qiao Tianchang to play chess. Who knew that he had closed the door and locked the door? He didn't know where he had gone.

I can only go home with regret. I'm bored. I can only play cards with the green snow.

The whole family spent the whole day playing cards. It was Qiao Tianchang on the third day of junior high school, but there was another person with him.

"Mengyao, this is my friend Xiao Qitian. I went to pick him up yesterday. He also bought your sauces." Qiao Tianchang introduces to Ning Mengyao: "Qi Tian, this is Mengyao."

Xiao Qitian is looking at Ning Mengyao, and Ning Mengyao is also looking at Xiao Qitian. They are looking at each other. Finally, Ning Mengyao walks first: "Mr. Xiao."

If she remembers correctly, Xiao is the one. It seems that Qiao Tianchang's identity is intriguing.

"Miss Ning, don't you invite us in?"

"I'm the one who snub. Please come in." Ning Mengyao smiled and let them in.

Three people are chatting in the living room. Xiao Qitian looks at Ning Mengyao and seriously says, "can you produce more of these sauces next year?"

"I don't know. Maybe, maybe not." Ningmengyao shrugs, not sure.

Next year she will do a lot of things, and can not give him a positive message.

"Qi Tian, would you mind not doing this? That should be almost enough. " Qiao Tianchang said before Xiao Qitian wanted to speak, looking at him helplessly.

Looking at the friends around, Xiao Qitian's expression on his face is like a smile. His eyes are clear, that is to say, do you feel hurt?

Joe day is smooth as if did not see the same, just look down at the cup in the hand, the corner of the mouth slightly evokes the heartache? I think so.