Ning Mengyao thought about it, as if he didn't suffer a loss. He didn't mean to marry right away, so it was OK: "OK."

Qiao Tianchang was satisfied, so he left this question and said something else to ningmengyao. It was his life in these years, and he would also talk to ningmengyao about his future life.

For example, he will not go back, but will live a stable life in Baishan village. For example, he will build a house next to her home in the next year, and he can combine two houses into one and so on.

Until late at night, under the teahouse, the people gradually dispersed, and they left.

Qiao Tianchang didn't go back with Ning Mengyao, but went to the tavern to have a rest. He only said that he would come and go back with them tomorrow morning.

When Ning Mengyao went back, they had come back. They didn't really worry about her late return, but they were still smiling.

"So late." Looking at Ning Mengyao, he laughed. If you want more beating, you need more beating.

"It's good to say that you guys even threw me aside." Ning Mengyao squints at Yang Lele and pretends to be angry.

Yang Lele smiled and touched his nose awkwardly: "don't be angry, I'm wrong."

White Yang Lele one eye: "just don't have that time to be angry with you, so tired, I went to wash and wash to sleep."

"I'll go, too." Yang Lele follows him back to his room.

Sure enough, Qiao Tianchang came the next morning. Qingxuan opened the door for him, but his eyes were alert.

Ning Mengyao was embarrassed to see him come in. "Brother Qiao, you are here."

"Well, we'll go back together later."


Yang Lele looks at Ning Mengyao, and then turns to Qiao Tianchang. When they look at each other, they know what they must have.

The line of sight put on Ning Mengyao's body, the eyes seem to say: "come from the facts."

Ningmengyao lowers her head and pretends not to see Yang Lele's line of sight, but to talk about the workshop with Qiao Tianchang.

"I said you two don't forget that I'm a living man, OK?" After being cold for a long time, Yang Lele was not happy at last. He stared at several people in front of him and said angrily.

Ningmengyao and Qiao Tianchang meet and smile. Finally, ningmengyao breaks his kung fu step by step: "well, eat now, it's time to go back after eating."

"I see." Yang Lele didn't keep pestering this matter, but bowed his head and ate.

After dinner, the party cleaned up and prepared to go back. When they left, they met Yang Cui.

Her face was a little pale, obviously these days did not seem so good.

When she saw them, Yang Cui unconsciously put her eyes on Qiao Tianchang. Then she thought of her brother's warning to her and her sister-in-law's words.

She didn't understand what they said, but she was unwilling.

She and Qiao Tianchang have known each other for a long time, and their long self-identity is not worse than that of Ning Mengyao. However, why does Qiao Tianchang not see her good, but he always protects that bitch of Ning Mengyao.

In any case, she couldn't bear the tone.

But now we can't do anything. If something goes wrong in the county, don't say that elder brother and elder sister-in-law let her go, and their second brother won't bypass her.

She didn't want to be disgusted by her family at this time, but the way they walked together made her have some eye pain.

Eyes blurred to see Qiao Tianchang leave with Ning Mengyao and others, and finally Yang Cui turns to leave.

She must endure. One day, she must let Ning Mengyao kneel in front of her to beg for mercy.

When Yang Cui returned to the big brother's shop, her face was ugly. Uncle Yang looked at her sister and frowned slightly: "what's the matter? Don't you say go shopping? "


Although poplar face is not so good, but the heart is full of, you say you are OK, what are you doing with a face crying in the morning? They still need to do business. What can we do if they scare the guests away.

"Elder brother, I'll have a rest first." He did not look at his brother's eyes and knew what he was thinking, so he walked back with his head down.

After Yang Cui went in, sun came out of the room, frowned slightly, and looked a little unhappy: "it's not good for Xianggong's sister."