"Yes, the maidservant knows." Four people look at each other and know that Princess shizifei is making her unhappy. They want to teach Princess shizifei a lesson.

If they are supported by their wives, they will not be afraid of it.

At this time, Ling Luo came in impatiently from the outside: "Niang, what do you want me to do?"

"Of course, luo'er doesn't want to spoil Xiao Zixuan's girl." Said the Marquis's wife with an ugly face.

Ling Luo frowns: "how did she provoke her mother?" She's been resting in her room these days and hasn't fallen out.

"The Marquis's wife sneers:" I just carried a few concubines for you, she went back to the house of King Xiao, return to look for the mother's face

Ling Luo frowns. The idea of three wives and four concubines has changed him. Before Xiao Zixuan, he had a woman.

Now if we want him to accept four women, he doesn't think it's too much. It's not that he can't afford them. It doesn't matter.

"Don't be angry, mother. She is pregnant with children."

"What happened with the baby? I don't know how to arrange people for you when I'm pregnant with children. It's called jealousy. " Said the Marquis's wife displeased.

Although she also valued Xiao Zixuan's children, she was very dissatisfied with her attitude.

"Well, mom, I agree to take it. Don't worry so much about her. She will be back in a few days." Lingluo said comfortingly.

When he came here, he was still a child, and this woman had been doting on him and loved him very much, which made him really regard this woman as his mother.

Hearing his son's words, Hou Ye's wife's expression was more beautiful at last: "go ahead and do it. I'm knocking on some of them."

"I'll trouble you."

Xiao Zixuan angrily went back to the palace and found her mother: "Niang, they are too much." When I saw Princess Xiao, I couldn't help complaining.

As soon as Princess Xiao saw that the girl with the baby came back, she was so angry and worried: "what's the matter? Why are you still angry? "

"Mother that old woman unexpectedly arranged four women for her husband." Said Xiao Zixuan angrily.

Princess Xiao frowned, and then said, "Xuaner, you are so bad. Luo Er is the son of the world. You can't be the only woman around him. Now that you are pregnant, you should arrange a woman for him."

Xiao Zixuan couldn't believe looking at her mother. Shouldn't her mother be angry with her? Why do you say that?

"How can I do that?"

"It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. You will only make your mother-in-law dissatisfied with you. Moreover, they are just aunts, not concubines. You just need to find a way to send people away." Aunt and concubine are just servants. With the influence of Prince Xiao's house here, can they still do the business of spoiling concubine and destroying his wife? I dare not give them two guts.

Xiao Zixuan listened to Princess Xiao's flowers, but her angry expression changed a lot.

Why is that? She thought he could be the only woman in Lingluo with her father and mother, but now her mother said that.

But think about it carefully as if it's the same thing: "Mom, I know."

Seeing that Xiao Zixuan understood what she said, Princess Xiao smiled and nodded: "you understand, you just need to grasp Ling Luo's heart in your own hands, afraid that your mother-in-law will send him a woman?"

Xiao Zixuan thought carefully that was not the same thing. She would be disgusted if she made a lot of noise: "Mom, I know how to do it, but I don't want to go back today."

"Then stay at home and go back in two days."

"Well, mother is the best."

Xiao Zixuan had been waiting for Ling Luo to come and pick her up for the next few days, but she was disappointed at last. Ling Luo didn't come at all. It's said that he's not happy recently.

When Xiao Zixuan's face became more and more ugly, Ling Luo finally came to pick up Xiao Zixuan.

When she saw Lingluo, Xiao Zixuan's anger turned to grievance, but she didn't say it directly. She just kept her head down and didn't know what she was thinking about, but that's what people with a clear eye knew when she saw it.