In fact, she didn't do anything, just gave them a chance to make money, and helped Yang Yi find a doctor. What she gave them was only money, but what they gave themselves was spiritual satisfaction. How could she not be moved.

"Yes, girl, it has nothing to do with you."

Ning Mengyao looked at them and nodded, "have aunt Yang Xiuer's family recently asked you where Lele has gone?"

Yang frowned slightly, then nodded: "once, it was Roche who asked."

Ningmengyao frowned, no wonder they would know that she would go that way, and still wait there.

"Yao Yao, why do you ask this?" Yang Lele looks at Ning Mengyao strangely and asks in doubt.

With a sigh, Ning Mengyao looked at the Yang Lele family and said, "it has something to do with Yang Xiuer."



Ningmengyao smiled bitterly, but she didn't believe it was true. At first, she just doubted. Yang's words let ningmengyao confirm their ideas.

"It's true that the economic conditions of Yang Xiuer's family have changed a lot in this period of time, and Yang Xiuer went to see a person some time before Lele's accident. After that, their family life has changed." Ningmengyao didn't want to be so embarrassed by the simple village name.

Yang Zhu and his wife are not stupid either. They understand something from Ning Mengyao's words.

They are not idiots. Recently Roche has changed a lot. He keeps showing off in the village, saying how good his clothes are, and then showing off her hairpin, which makes many people dissatisfied.

At that time, many people wondered how the conditions in Roche's family had changed so well. Now it seems that there is no reason.

"I must not let Yang Xiuer go." Yang Zhu said angrily.

Ningmengyao stopped Yang Zhu, who was going out, and hurriedly said, "Uncle Yang, please give it to me. It's not the time yet." If I go to ask Yang Xiuer at this time, she will not agree with me. Moreover, I will say that the village head's family bullies people and slanders Yang Lele if they can't find anyone who hurts him.

Yang Zhu looks at Ning Mengyao and his daughter in a decadent way. He is a village head who can't even protect his daughter.

"Dad is OK, Yao Yao will help us to do justice." Seeing Yang Zhu's lost appearance, Yang Lele immediately comforted him.

From the perspective of ningmengyao's identity, we know that the other side must be rich or expensive. They are just ordinary people with flat heads. Although it's selfish to say so, it's true.

If Yang Xiu'er is really related to those people, they can't deal with it.

So what they can do now is wait. Is it so easy to get involved with rich people? Don't even know how to die then.

"Well, Mengyao will trouble you."

"Don't worry, uncle Yang. Lele won't get hurt in vain." Ning Mengyao looked at them and said in a cold voice.

Yang Zhu looked at each other, smiled and nodded. They were satisfied.

Ning Mengyao stayed at Yang Lele's house for a while, and then planned to go back.

When I met Yang Xiuer in the village, Yang Xiuer stood in front of Ning Mengyao and looked at her beautiful cheek and smiled coldly: "how powerful do you think you are, Ning Mengyao? Sooner or later you will regret your arrogance. "

Looking at Yang Xiuer's complacent appearance, Ning Mengyao couldn't help laughing. The laughter was full of satire and ridicule: "are you sure it's really good to get involved with those people? Yang Xiuer's heart is too big. Be careful not to fall too hard. "

Yang Xiu'er didn't put Ning Mengyao's words into her eyes at all: "are you envious of me?"

Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Xiuer and laughs sarcastically: "tell those people about Lele's whereabouts. The injured Lele is injured. Is that what you get from Yang Xiuer? The good thing about Lele is that it's OK. If something happens to her, you can't blame her. "

Although she has had some relations with the noble people, Yang Xiuer is still scared to step back when she sees the expression of ningmengyao. Not only that, when she hears ningmengyao's words, her eyes are a little flustered. How does she know about this.