Chen's son is the most powerful in her mind, and will naturally become a senior official.

Now they are not looking down on her son? How can she stand it?

With a heavy slap on the table, Chen Shi looked at several people beside him dead: "I asked you to shut up for me, didn't you hear me? Qiao Tianchang is just a poor boy. Do you want me to marry her to him? There is no way. "

Chen's voice was a little louder. Many people around were directly sprayed when they heard what she said.

Is Joe Tianchang a poor boy without money? Can you spend a lot of money on a lot of gold and silver jewelry? There are also betrothal gifts that add up, at least one or two hundred Liang, which is not money. This is called poor boy. Then what are they who can't eat enough before ningmengyao starts his workshop?

Yang Zhu, who were very happy to eat, suddenly heard Chen's saying this, and his face suddenly turned ugly.

"Chen Shi, are you dissatisfied with us?" On the surface, the marriage was facilitated by him. Chen said that, isn't it just hitting him in the face?

Chen's body was stiff, and he shook his head: "I, village head I don't mean that. "

"What do you mean by saying that at the engagement dinner? Go back if you don't want to. " Yang Zhu is really angry.

Two people stand on one side, who doesn't say two people are talented and beautiful? Now Chen Shi is here to make this moth. It's like hitting him in the face.

Chen's face was a little ugly. He looked at Yang Zhu dead. He wished Yang Zhu had been lingchi.

"What do you have to say about me? Isn't it? Who knows where his money came from? " Chen sneered, looked at Qiao Tianchang and said sarcastically, "I'm not sure it's stolen."

Chen's words were very mean. She thought someone would agree with her, but all the workers in the tavern looked at her with strange eyes: "Chen, don't be someone else without brains? There are some Qiao family members in the sauce workshop of Mengyao girl. Where did you say he got the money? Of course, it's just earned. "

"That's to say, when Mengyao girl built the workshop, he helped a lot, so Mengyao girl gave him some elements. After a few months, can he still have money?" Only the people in the sauce workshop know how much they make in a day and how much they pull.

Chen couldn't believe looking at Qiao Tianchang. Unexpectedly, it would be like this. If she knew earlier, she would surely have her daughter's heart. At that time, the sauce workshop might become her own. The more she thought about it, the more she regretted it.

Qiao Tianchang didn't give her the chance to regret. He came to her and looked at her coldly: "if you are here to make trouble, get out of my house."

Chen's face changed and then he said with a smile: "Oh, Tianchang, you don't recognize people when you have money? My daughter is also very good. She is better than Ning Mengyao. I don't know how much. Look... "

Chen's words mean to beat Qiao Tianchang. People around him look at Chen with unbelievable eyes.

Did the man hit his head on the door when he went out? I can't believe it.

"I'm just a poor boy, your daughter? I don't think it's dirty to give it to me. " Qiao Tianchang looks at Chen's smiling face like a flower and opens his mouth word by word.

It's like stabbing people in the heart, especially Chen.

People covered their mouths and secretly laughed. Chen family was despised.

"Tianchang, how can my daughter say that she is the sister of a scholar? In the future, she will be the sister of a scholar or even a champion. You can only help if you marry her. What can ningmengyao do for you?" Chen said that he was disgusted.

Her disdainful words and arrogant appearance made everyone frown.

How dare you say that? It's not a single word, and even the number one scholar? Is it true that her son will die and Wenqu star will come to earth?

"Number one? Yang Huai? If Yang Huai is such a waste, he can be the number one scholar unless the emperor is blind. "