Looking at the suddenly changed expression on Ning Mengyao's face, and then looking at her red, some interested asked: "what's the matter? This face is red, like an apple, which makes people want to bite. "

After hearing this, Ning Mengyao, who was still embarrassed, turned purple, green and ugly.

"No one thinks you're dumb if you don't talk." It's enough for this man to come to him and say something like this, knowing that he's embarrassed.

Qiao Tianchang naturally saw that she was embarrassed and reached out to touch her cheek: "OK, I'm just talking to you for fun."

White Qiao Tianchang a look, Ning Mengyao cold hum, Ao Jiao said: "tomorrow start a month not to go to my house to eat."

"Your family is my family, too." Qiao Tianchang has no face or skin.

"That's my home." Ning Mengyao stares.

"Well, it's your family." It's just that I'll live in it later.

Ningmengyao looked at the guy in front of him suspiciously. He always thought that he had something to say, but he couldn't figure out what he meant.

Reaching out and touching Ning Mengyao's face, Qiao Tianchang said with a smile, "well, don't tease you, I have something to leave for a period of time, about five or six days."

Before I got the news from Ryan before I got engaged, I found the old nests of the bandits and hoped that he could go there.

It was just at that time that they had to prepare for the engagement, so they didn't make it. Now they are busy, so they naturally have to go and have a look.

Although what he wants to do now is to accompany Ning Mengyao, some things are not willful.

Ningmengyao frowned slightly: "what to do?"

"I have found the old nest about the bandits. I need to go there." Joe Tianchang said apologetically.

Looking up at Qiao Tianchang, his eyes are full of inquiry.

"Will you have anything to do with them?" What she wants to know most is this.

She doesn't care what his past is, as long as he can follow her to stay in this place and live a normal life, but now he tells her to leave.

Although what he said is very simple, it's just to go to the robber's nest, but if it's not trusted by those people, how can he go? It's called in specially.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and held Ning Mengyao's lips with a light smile: "I've been in the battlefield. I'm a general. After the war, I left and came to this place. I also told the above one that I would not return without fighting. This time, it's an exception. Because the robbers are a little tricky, and the one who can't find the right person will find me. I'm alive and death with him A good friend. "

This explanation, Ning Mengyao understood, retreated from his arms and looked at his handsome cheek seriously.

She always knew that he was extraordinary, but she did not expect that he would be a general. Now she also knows that as long as there is no war, he will not go back.

As far as she knows, all countries are stable and easy to avoid war. At the same time, the above means are also very Iron-blooded. From the time when he ascended the throne to now, he has dealt with many dissidents, and most of his rights are in his own hands, so he will not allow anyone to challenge his authority.

"I'll wait here for you to come back." After thinking through, Ning Mengyao smiled.

"Well, I'll be back soon. Be careful, you know?" Although she has many talents in her hands, he is still worried.

Ningmengyao patted her hand and gently comforted: "don't worry, I'm not so good at bullying."

Qiao Tianchang smiled and said clearly that he stayed by Ning Mengyao's side until very late.

Returning to his home, Qiao Tianchang was dissatisfied with everything. He thought about whether he should marry when he came back. After the engagement, he found that he lived alone in this empty home, which was strange and too quiet.

How could he not find his value?

Ningmengyao couldn't sleep in her own room. She tossed and turned her hair. She didn't go to bed until early in the morning. The next morning, she got up again and prepared some dry food for Qiao Tianchang to eat on the road. After dinner, she stood at the door and sent the man on the horse away.

Looking at his back, she could not help but pray for his safe return.