This topic is too heavy, and they didn't mention it. After all, they are not courtiers, and they are not involved in them.

"Do you want to go out for a walk?"

"Well, why don't we go to the back mountain?" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang with bright eyes.

She hasn't been there for a long time.

Joe Tianchang is helpless. Who asked him to put forward this proposal: "OK, let's go."

Back to get the bow and arrow, Ning Mengyao took a basket and walked up the mountain together.

On the way, Ning Mengyao picked some of what she wanted, Qiao Tianchang hunted directly when she saw the game, but at the end of the day, they got a lot.

There are many wild vegetables and some common wild fruits in summer in Ning Mengyao's basket. Qiao Tianchang hunted many pheasants, rabbits and roe deer.

I thought it was almost over, so they went back down the mountain. When they got to the foot of the mountain, they found a good carriage parked at their door.

Two people looked at each other, walked past, saw the doubt in opposite more eyes, this who? Is it Xiao Qitian?

No, he rides every time he comes here, not in a carriage.

With doubts, the two walked into their home, and as soon as they entered the door, they saw Yang Cui standing there with all kinds of silks and satins. Qingxue's face was full of thin anger.

When Yang Cui saw Ning Mengyao coming, her face suddenly changed. Especially when she saw Qiao Tianchang, her eyes were like killing people.

"What are you doing here?" Ning Mengyao asked impatiently.

Yang Cui sneers, "I'm Ning Mengyao's wife now. It's easy to crush you to death."

Ning Mengyao picked up her eyebrows: "is that right? That's a great compliment. " The bland voice annoys Yang Cui. Why doesn't she care?

"If I remember correctly, the magistrate's wife is the daughter of the magistrate." Joe Tianchang suddenly spoke at one side.

"Ningmengyao accident:" then you are a concubine

Concubine, the word is a disgrace to Yang Cui. The reason why she can marry the county magistrate's son is that her wife is pregnant, and she is good, but she has no background. Although her brother is a scholar, he has not taken a step further.

Such a person as her is very easy to control for the magistrate's son and wife.

But her family felt very dignified because it was the concubine of the county magistrate, not the concubine of ordinary people.

Even the people in the village know that she is envious of marrying the county magistrate. Of course, this is what Yang Cui thinks.

It's better to be a poor wife than a concubine. In some people's mind, it's really good to be a concubine married to a rich family, but not everyone thinks so. Many people think that marrying a concubine is not so good. After all, concubines can be punished, beaten or even sold at any time.

It's ok if the wife in charge likes it. If the wife in charge hates it and becomes the eyesore of the other party, it's a big trouble.

"Are you jealous?"

Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Cui funny. The person she wants to marry is the general of the town. She will be the general's wife. Although Qiao Tianchang doesn't want to go back, but compared with a seven grade sesame official, a good general can directly crush her with one finger. It's good to show off in front of himself? Envy her? Is there anything wrong with her brain? Otherwise, how could you say such nonsense?

"There's something wrong with the brain." Ningmengyao shook her head and sighed, saying that it would be a pity to look like that.

"Dare to be rude to our aunt."

Ningmengyao's mouth corners are drawn. This is the second lengzi from somewhere.

Yang Cui claims to be his wife. What aunt does she say here? Is that really good? Is she sure she won't be sold directly by Yang Cui?

Sure enough, Yang Cui's face, because one of the servant girl's aunts, has turned into purple, which is really pretty.

Ningmengyao tut twice, ignoring Yang Cui: "Tianchang let's go home, I will make you delicious."

"Yes." Qiao Tianchang didn't want to see Yang Cui, so he followed Ning Mengyao into the house.