Li Wei came back to his own yard and washed away all his powder before going to his wife's yard. It was his habit. No matter how he swayed outside, he would visit his wife and talk to her after he went home.

Now as soon as he entered the yard, he saw Zhong Yue frowning and scolding Yang Cui. He picked Yang Cui slightly and walked to Zhong Yue and hugged her: "what's the matter? Don't piss my son off. "

"My husband is back."

"Well, what's the matter?" Li Wei points to Yang Cui below. Her face is still flustered and worried.

Zhong Yue helplessly looks at Li Wei: "aunt Yang came back from her mother's home, and she didn't know who said that her husband was drunk in the red chamber, so she wanted me to call you back."

"Who told you?" Li Wei's face suddenly turned ugly.

Zhong Yue knows about his going to Zui Honglou, but she never said anything after knowing that she won't mess around. Although she will be jealous, it doesn't matter. He is also very good for Zhong Yue.

Now a concubine dares to take care of his affairs. How can she not be angry?

"My husband I'm not... "

"Not what?" Li Wei looks at Yang Cui coldly.

"Don't get me wrong, Grandpa. I don't mean that. I just want to tell you something." Yang Cui hurriedly waved and explained.

Li Wei snorted coldly and didn't speak. Instead, the woman on the side frowned: "although Auntie Yang is your concubine, the old slave can't say anything, but Auntie Yang is so unruly. How can you do it one by one in front of the young master and the young lady? Which concubine can do this? If it's spread out, it will say that our family has no rules. "

Li Wei looked at her mother-in-law and nodded: "you teach this mother-in-law." Mother-in-law Ming was sent by her mother to wait on her after her wife became pregnant. Now, it's really a little unhappy to hear her take one bite of mine.

"It's the young master."

"Moon let's go in and say." Then they went into the inner room together with Zhong Yue's arm, completely ignoring Yang Cui.

Yang Cui looks at Li Wei and Zhong Yue who are leaving. I don't know how the time is like this in a few days.

"You don't care about your beautiful aunt Yang?" Zhong Yue looks at Li Wei as soon as he enters the room.

"What do you love? If you dare to calculate with me, you should have this awareness. " Li Wei said that his face was very ugly.

"How to say that?" said Zhong Yue

He reached out his hand to hook Zhong Yue into his arms and said the things he had visited yangcui's house the other day, and told Zhong Yue what he had investigated.

"Ning Mengyao is not a simple woman, even the man beside her is not simple, and Yang Cui deliberately took me there that day, with a clear mind." Li Wei frowned in disgust.

He likes beauty, but he's not a fool. Yang Cui showed so clearly that day. If she didn't mean it, he didn't believe it.

"That girl is beautiful?" Asked Zhong Yue curiously.

Li Wei nodded: "her appearance may not be the most beautiful, but her temperament is unique."

"Is it?" It's no wonder that Zhong Yue has a heart to pick his eyebrows.

Li Wei curled his mouth, held Zhong Yue and put his hand on her stomach: "don't mention it, just think about it. If I get people back, I don't know how to die then."

"Then don't think about it."

"Of course." He's not an idiot.

"What does Yang Cui mean?" Zhong Yue frowns. If something happens to Li Wei, what's the good for her?

Li Wei sneered: "Yang cuina used to like Qiao Tianchang, but she was not liked by others. Later, when she became a concubine for me, she thought she was superior. She wanted to use me to deal with two people, which probably meant that she wanted me to destroy Ning Mengyao." She didn't know Qiao Tianchang's mysterious identity. She thought she really wanted to do something to them, and they didn't dare to say anything, so they had such an idea.

But I don't know that Joe Tianchang's identity is that he dare not act rashly.

Zhong Yue frowned and said, "what does she mean? Isn't that hurting us? "