Ningmengyao came back from the pond and saw a large group of people. He blinked and looked at Qiao Tianchang. "Who are they?" Why didn't you come here for a while, so many people came at once?

Joe Tianchang touched his nose and explained, "this is the former subordinate."

"Oh, I see. Let's talk to you." The people in the workshop are going to work later. It's not good to see them then. There are too many people. I feel a bit noisy.

Qiao Tianchang understood Ning Mengyao's meaning with a little thought: "OK, let's go."

"Well, why don't you go to the mountain? How about barbecue at night? " So many people are too troublesome to cook. They can cook directly and bake by themselves.

"I'll be back soon." And they dragged them away.

Lei'an and his wife came out of ningmengyao's yard, and they asked uneasily, "does the eldest sister-in-law not like us coming?"

Qiao Tianchang looks at this guy strangely: "where do you see that she doesn't like you coming?"


"The workshop is going to work later in the family. Don't you know how many people are confused?" Joe Tianchang looked at Ryan contemptuously, and said very carefully.

Lei'an covers her liver carefully. She almost didn't cry. Can we stop looking at me like this, boss? You look terrible, don't you?

What's the best for Ryan? Of course, it's hunting. Not for a long time, the prey has been a lot, and there are two wild boars of no small size.

Roe deer is tender, and ningmengyao likes it very much. Qiao Tianchang found two. There are many hare and pheasant.

"Go back."

Looking at such a large number of prey in the yard, Ning Mengyao suddenly has a headache. How to deal with it?

"Qingxuan, go and peel them. When you're done, take them back and slice them." Ningmengyao finally can only call Qingxuan and Qiao Tianchang to work together.

It's good that some people often go hunting when they are in the barracks. The way to deal with the prey is very fast. It's not long before it's almost handled.

After finishing his work, Joe Tianchang began to cut the meat. It was not long before a big basin was cut.

Look at his skillful appearance, Xiao Qitian and Lin Ziyou know that he can cook, maybe it's true.

They prepare meat while Ning Mengyao prepares vegetables, such as lettuce, potatoes, corn and so on.

When everyone was ready, it was almost dark, so they set up several barbecue tables in the yard, and they gathered around them to eat and bake.

It's the first time they've seen barbecue like this, and they've heard it fresh.

"I'll get you what you want." Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao and said in a low voice.

"All right." Ningmengyao still believes in his barbecue skills.

Barbecue is a natural wine, Ning Mengyao let green Xuan to hold a lot of wine out.

When Xiao Qitian saw lei'an and their big mouth drinking, it was called a flesh ache.

These guys are just black sheep. Do you know how much the wine is worth? That's white silver, not stone.

"What eyes do you have?" Seeing Xiao Qitian looking at them with eyes full of grief and indignation, Lin Zi asked cautiously.

This guy is so abnormal. What kind of eyes are there.

Xiao Qitian covered his chest and looked miserable: "you black sheep, do you know how much money you need to buy these drinks?"

"That's what my sister-in-law gave us." Lin Ziyou especially liked the wine. Hearing Xiao Qitian's words, he took another sip and drank a big bowl.

Xiao Qitian reached out and pointed at them with trembling hands: "this wine is only one jar with two Jin, one hundred and two jars, that's one hundred Liang." Xiao Qitian is crying. Just give him wine. Why give him such a good wine.

All of a sudden, the drinkers were choked. They looked down at the wine in the bowl. How about one hundred liang? Not really? So expensive? They just drank so much. How much is it worth? It seems that they are all black sheep, just like Xiao Qitian said, but that's also the chance given by his sister-in-law.