All night long, they had a fight in the yard, that is, there was a pile of wine jars on the ground. Fortunately, Xiao Qitian was drunk and fell asleep. Otherwise, when he saw this pile of wine jars, he didn't know how the meat hurt.

Ning Mengyao helped Qiao Tianchang to the bed and lay down. Seeing his red face, he knew that he had drunk a lot today. I think it was because he was in a good mood to see his good brother. He always had a soft smile on his cold and hard face.

He took a pad from one side of the basin to wipe his face, and then helped him to take off his coat, which then pulled the quilt to cover him.

Ning Mengyao quietly went out, the original sleep of Qiao Tianchang opened his eyes, looked at the closed door for a while, this is the peace of mind to close his eyes.

"Green snow, wait for tomorrow. It's too late now. Go to have a rest." Ningmengyao went out of the room and saw that they were cleaning up the mess in that place.

"Miss, we're fine. We'll be ready soon. Go to have a rest first. We'll go to bed when we're ready." Qin mother-in-law side tidies up, one side also does not lift the head to say.

See them a few people are this meaning, Ning Mengyao also can only let them busy, oneself stand on the threshold to look at the stars in the sky.

Although life is not as good as she thought, but occasionally noisy but also make her very happy, perhaps noisy, this is life.

Qiao Tianchang and his party all belong to those people who drink heavily. The next morning, they got up early and practiced boxing in the yard. Ning Mengyao saw their energetic appearance and turned back to the house.

She is tired and needs a rest.

Lingluo, far away in the capital, heard the following people saying that when Ning Mengyao was preparing for marriage, her face suddenly turned gloomy and terrible.

In his mind, Ning Mengyao is his own, and now all that belongs to him should be married, which is simply unforgivable.

It is Xiao Zixuan who also knows the news. At this time, her stomach is very big. She looks like seven or eight months ago, and her people are mellow.

After learning that Ling Luo got the news, she left the Houfu. Xiao Zixuan's happy mood in the past few months was suddenly broken. The damned Ning Mengyao can recruit people as a relative. Is this a challenge to him?

Reaching out and caressing her stomach, she will not let a woman come to rob her of her own, let alone that woman is the one Lingluo likes.

If Ning Mengyao had entered the Houfu, would there still be a place for her to live?

Thinking of this, Xiao Zixuan thinks that whether Ning Mengyao is really going to marry or not, she will let this woman die.

When Lingluo came to the original house, she was in a complicated mood. In a few months, it had changed a lot. There was a house beside it, which seemed to be the same place from a distance. Qiao Tianchang's intention was to demolish the middle wall directly after the marriage. The two families became one.

When I came to Ning Mengyao's house, I was afraid of the closed door. All the people who were eating were looking at the door at the same time.

Jiang Quan went to open the door and saw that there was a stranger outside, and it was Lingluo that they once knew: "who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Ning Mengyao. How about her?"

"Miss is looking for you." Jiang Quan turned to Ning Mengyao in the courtyard and said.

Hearing the voice coming from the door, Ning Mengyao knew who was coming. After seeing Qiao Tianchang, the latter stood up and walked to the door with her.

"What can I do for you?" Ningmengyao's business is flat, and she has no feelings. She and Lingluo were once lovers.

Lingluo sees Ning Mengyao coming out just to question, and sees Qiao Tianchang standing beside her: "do you really want to marry him?"

Ning Mengyao looked at Ling Luo as if he had caught his wife's cheating. He couldn't help sneering, "yes, I want to marry him. What's your opinion?"