"Who do you think it is?" Lingluo thought that he had heard it wrong. He asked again for something he didn't believe. How could it be Xiao Zixuan? Isn't she just raising babies in her yard recently? How could it be her?

Ming expressionless will investigate the news told Ling Luo: "before the son you asked Miss Ning there, after you go, the princess used your token to transfer the people in the house to kill Miss Ning, the original idea of the princess is to kill Miss Ning, but she did not know that the king is there."

So this incident is actually an accident, but it can only be said that Xiao Zixuan is unlucky.

"What? Damn it. " At this time, Lingluo didn't understand the truth. In fact, Xiao Zixuan wanted to kill Ning Mengyao, but he was offended by Xiao Qitian's head. Someone assassinated him in front of him, which was undoubtedly to hit him in the face, so he said that he was assassinated.

To put it bluntly, he just wants to find trouble for them. However, they can't say that this matter has nothing to do with them. After all, Xiao Zixuan is his princess.

"What should I do about Shizi?" Mingfang looks at Lingluo worried.

"I'll talk to my father first." Lingluo also has a headache. It's clear that Xiao Qitian wants to protect Ning Mengyao. If Xiao Zixuan sends someone to the murderer's house, it's unreasonable. It's still because of jealousy.

Mingfang looks at Lingluo's figure and shakes his head helplessly. Young master, it's a mistake. He thinks Miss Ning is better than Princess shizifei. He doesn't know how many times. It's a pity that he has no right to speak.

Ling Luo came to Ling Wuhou's study and told him what Ming fang had investigated.

"What did you say? Did Xiao Zixuan do it? " Lingwu and houmeng stood up and stared round their eyes. Obviously, they didn't believe it was true.

Ling Luo reluctantly shook his head: "it's true."

"What's going on?"

"Because Mengyao, I went to see her, maybe she knew, so she wanted to kill Mengyao, but I didn't expect that king Qi would be there."

"Kill that girl? Why? " Lingwuhou frowned. He knew the existence of ningmengyao. If it wasn't for her identity, he agreed to be his daughter-in-law, and the child was very good.

Lingluo lowered her eyes: "she thought that I would take Mengyao back, and then it would threaten her position, but Mengyao is going to marry soon now, and it doesn't matter to him at all." Thought of this Ling Luo's heart some pain, he knew made the wrong choice, but now wants to regret also to be over, between them already completely impossible.

Lingwuhou also has a headache. Isn't that jealousy?

"Report this to the emperor and ask her to come here." Lingwu Hou rubs his forehead very helplessly. It's nothing.

"I see."

Xiao Zixuan came down to lingwuhou's study with her servant girl's company. When she entered the room, she saw them sitting there. Her face was very ugly.

"Father, husband."

"You sent someone to kill Ning Mengyao, didn't you?" Marquis Lingwu didn't know what to do, so he came to the point.

Xiao Zixuan's movements were stiff, and her eyes were flustered and puzzled: "I didn't."

"No? Xiao Zixuan's case has been brought to the emperor's attention. Now it's not about killing Ning Mengyao, but about killing Qi Wang. " Lingluo saw that she was still here at this time, and said with a sneer.

"It's impossible." Xiao Zixuan said unconsciously, which indirectly admitted that she did these things.

Looking at Xiao Zixuan's pale face at that moment, "go to tell the emperor and Qi Wang about this. You have never seen such a fool like you."

"Father..." Xiao Zixuan put her eyes on lingwuhou, hoping that he could tell herself whether it was true or not.

Although she is a princess, she is nothing compared with king Qi.

"King Qi has only given us one day to deal with this matter. Tomorrow, it has not been dealt with. Not only Lingwu Houfu, but even Xiao Wangfu will be involved." Lingwuhou didn't like this daughter-in-law. He always relied on the fact that she was the princess of Prince Xiao's mansion, and she looked superior.