Xiao Zixuan's eyes widened. She thought they were just ordinary village girls and ordinary hunters, but she never thought that Qiao Tianchang was the general of the town.

"No, how could it be?" The one I despised the most changed into the general's wife, and I killed my brother. This This...

"If you come, beat her up again with thirty army sticks, and then take her down. If you don't have the order from me, who dares to let her out, all the sticks will die." Lingwuhou looked coldly at Xiao Zixuan who had changed her face.

Xiao Zixuan's face changed as soon as she heard that they were going to beat themselves. She looked at the people in front of her with a grim face and said, "you are not qualified to beat me."

"Do it." Lingwuhou is too lazy to pester her. He wants to think about what to do next.

Xiao Zixuan was scolded and taken away. At last, she was beaten with thirty army sticks and almost lost her life. If it wasn't because she was the princess of the Lord Xiao's mansion, I'm afraid she would be thrown into the yard by Lingwu marquis to die.

When lingwuhou and Lingluo discuss this, Li liner, Princess Xiao, already knows everything.

He knew that his son had just been caught in prison and was waiting for execution three days later.

"Lord, you must save Minger." Li lin'er cried and ran to Xiao Yilin's face, pleading.

She has only one son and one daughter. If something happens to her son, how can he live.

Xiao Yilin stares at Li lin'er fiercely. Her face is very ugly: "help? What do you want me to do? Now, tongbaozhai will not only deal with us, even the general's office of the town will not let us go. This time, the general of the town did it. "

Li lin'er couldn't believe looking at Xiao Yilin: "why did he do that? We didn't provoke him. "

"Why? The general's wife of the town used to be Lingluo's favorite. Xuaner, in order to break Lingluo's mind, patted dark Wei to the murderer's house. At last, the man didn't die, but the child was gone. How could they not repay such revenge? " Thinking of the end of Qiao's family, Xiao Yilin felt cold.

That's Qiao Tianchang's family.

Li lin'er frowned: "isn't it just a child who doesn't know about men and women? It's just unreasonable. "

Xiao Yilin reaches for Li lin'er with trembling hands. She never thought that she would say such a thing.

In this case, how did she say it?

"That's enough. You'd better not go outside and say it. Qiao Tianchang and his wife heard it. It's not just ming'er who will die, but the whole Xiaowang mansion and your Li family." Xiao Yilin warns in a cold voice. He is sure that if Qiao Tianchang and them know this, then Xiao's residence will not want to settle down.

Although Li lin'er promised, she was dissatisfied with her heart. She didn't believe Xiao Yilin's words.

Xiao Yilin doesn't know Li lin'er's idea. If he does, I'm afraid he would like to dig her head open to see what's in it.

Seeing that there is no way to find Xiao Yilin, Li liner can only turn to her family and ask them to help save Xiao Mingren.

However, Li's family avoid her like a snake or a scorpion. It's faster to save Xiao Mingren than anything else.

Li lin'er hated this in her heart, so she thought of other ways and let people spread rumors to the outside world that the general's office in Zhenguo was reckless and insulted others.

After such news came out, Qiao Tianchang just sneered and didn't care at all.

At first, Li lin'er thought it was more or less useful, but she didn't think that Qiao Tianchang didn't care about it at all.

"Would you like to see it tomorrow?" Qiao Tianchang put his hand around Ning Mengyao's waist.

"No." She just needs to know the result. She doesn't have to see it.

"That's fine. You can stay at home. As for the rest, I'll take care of it." Bow head and kiss on Ning Mengyao's face.


The two are intimate here, but Li lin'er is uneasy. Now she has no way. What should I do.