Lingluo is not polite to Xiao Zixuan at all. She looks disgusted.

Now he really regrets that he gave up his lover for such a person.

"Lingluo, are you threatening me?" Xiao Zixuan could see that her father was coming.

Ling Luo glanced at Xiao Zixuan, turned away and told people to go to his mother to pick up the baby.

"Princess, Shizi, he..."

"Let's go, let's go and gradually father." Xiao Zixuan interrupted the servant girl and said coldly.

Lingluo despises her, and now she regrets why she must marry Lingluo. Although she regrets, she has no choice but to know that she has children.

When Xiao Zixuan came to the front yard, lingwuhou was talking to Xiao Yilin.

"Father." Seeing Xiao Yilin, Xiao Zixuan's eyes turned red.

She knew that she was in trouble this time. Her brother was beheaded because of her, but her father still came to support her, which made her not sad.

Xiao Yilin saw that her daughter was also a little complicated, but she got up and clapped her shoulder: "are you ok?"

"Father, I'm fine. Don't worry."

"If it's OK, the father and the king will be relieved. If you have time, go back to the palace to see your mother and princess." Xiao Yilin's face is light with a smile, and his eyes are still spoiled.

When she saw Xiao Yilin, Xiao Zixuan didn't feel like crying, but at this time, Xiao Yilin still thought about her, which made her tears fall down.

"Father, I know it's wrong. I'm sorry. It's all my fault." Xiao Zixuan pours down Xiao Yilin's arms and apologizes incessantly.

Xiao Yilin's body was slightly stiff, but he soon relaxed and clapped his daughter on the shoulder: "OK, it's OK."

"Thank you, father."

Lingwuhou stood at one side and looked at them like that. There was a faint light in his eyes.

Soon there was a faint smile on the stiff face.

Lingluo took a look at his father and immediately understood what he meant.

Xiao Yilin just played for a while and left Lingwu Houfu. After he left, Xiao Zixuan also left her yard and left Lingluo and his son.

"What do you think of it, lol?" Ling Wuhou looks at Xiao Zixuan's back and squints.

Lingluo shook her head. "I don't know what they mean." Lingluo also has some doubts about this. Xiao Mingren will die because of Xiao Zixuan. Although this is caused by Xiao Mingren's own misconduct, it is also Xiao Zixuan's fault indirectly. But now Xiao Yilin is still facing Xiao Zixuan like this.

Does he love her more?

"Anyway, don't alienate Xiao Zixuan too much. There is still time for her." Lingwu said meaningfully.

Ling Luo looks at Ling Wuhou doubtfully: "what does Father mean?"

"You'll know later. It's not the time." Lingwu Hou shook his head and didn't tell Lingluo about it.

Ling Luo frowned, but nodded.

But he was disgusted with Xiao Zixuan.

When Qiao Tianchang returned from the execution ground, Ning Mengyao was sitting in the yard, with an embroidered basket at hand.

Walking to her side, he put his hand around her shoulder: "why don't you take a rest?"

"I'm fine, is it all right?" Ningmengyao reaches out and pushes Qiao Tianchang, afraid that the needle in her hand will stick on him.

Qiao Tianchang went to the opposite side of Ning Mengyao and sat down. He took a cup of tea and took a drink. Then he said, "the princess of Xiao's mansion has gone, but it's just a small episode."

"That's good." Ning Mengyao smiles at Qiao Tianchang.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao. She is pulling the thread in her hand and cutting it with scissors: "what are you going to do next?"

"Naturally, it's going to continue." Ning Mengyao said without raising her head.

Qiao Tianchang raised his eyebrows slightly and raised his lips slightly: "well, then go on."

"Of course, try to see if it fits." Ning Mengyao shakes her clothes and hands them to Qiao Tianchang.

Qiao Tianchang was surprised: "this is for me?"