Qiao Tianchang's eyebrows are light. Can you understand Lingluo's meaning? He didn't mean to say that Yao Yao would be ok if he let go.

With a sneer, he looked down at the sleepy man in his arms and said, "Yao Yao Yao has something to tell you."

Ning Mengyao shrinks her neck in Qiao Tianchang's arms, trying to put aside the itch between her neck.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes flashed a thick smile: "Yao Yao?"

Ning Mengyao frowned and put out his hand to cover his mouth. "Don't make a noise."

"Well, I don't quarrel." Qiao Tianchang, with a doting smile at the bottom of his eyes, reached for her hand and took a bite from her mouth.

The frown that eats painful, Ning Mengyao opens an eye: "you belong to dog, why bite me."

Qiao Tianchang's eyes flashed a thick smile: "Lingluo has something to tell you."

"What is it?" Ningmengyao's face was very bad when she was woken up. She turned to look at Lingluo with obvious impatience in her eyes.

"Yao'er, can you stop tongbaozhai?" Ling Luo looks at Ning Mengyao's eyes with seriousness.

"Why stop?" It's worthy of being husband and wife. What they say is almost the same.

Lingluo's eyes were stunned: "Yao'er, you..."

"Lingluo, what I lost was a child." Ningmengyao's eyes are full of haze when she plans to go to Lingluo.

Ling Luo was silent for a moment. He knew that Ning Mengyao loved children.

"Yao'er, you will have children in the future." Lingluo can only say so.

Ning Mengyao looks at Ling Luo ironically. Will she have children in the future?

"Then you will have money later." Ningmengyao lightly blocked it back with his words.

Qiao Tianchang had a deep smile on the bottom of his eyes: "we have children right, but this child is what we are looking forward to." Because they didn't have this child, now they even come here to say, they will have children? Is there anything more ridiculous?

At this time, Ling Luo naturally knew that he had said something wrong, with a stiff face and a dry mouth: "can Yao'er stop for the sake of what we used to have together?"

Ningmengyao didn't care about it very much, but when Lingluo said this, her face turned ugly: "then why don't you bother my life for the sake of our life together? Would I have lost this child if you hadn't come to me again and again? "

Qiao Tianchang is excited to see Ning Mengyao's mood change. He quickly reaches out and hugs people: "Yaoyao is OK, not angry, you forgot to promise me?" It's true that she's well adjusted, but her mood can't be too excited.

Ning Mengyao holds Qiao Tianchang's waist and says, "Tianchang asked them to get out of here. I don't want to see them."

At first, she had tried to let herself forget this matter and the pain in her heart. When her scar was getting better, he tore her scar and even sprinkled a lot of salt on it.

"Lingshizi, you see it. I hope you will leave." Qiao Tianchang is also very invisible to the two. If it wasn't for them, Yao Yao would not be stimulated.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and hugged Ning Mengyao. He whispered in her ear. Lingluo was embarrassed and embarrassed by the gentle voice. Finally, he could only leave with a calm face.

After leaving the general's office of Zhenguo, Lingluo regretted that. How could he say such things out of control.

Today came originally to let them relax. Now, it's good that they don't let the pressure go to death.

Looking at the gate of the general's mansion, Ling Luo turned and left.

In the yard, Qiao Tianchang comforts Ning Mengyao, but her expression doesn't change much.

"Yaoyao is OK."

"How could he say such a thing." Ningmengyao's face was gloomy and her eyes were full of hatred.

"The more sad we are, the happier they will be. I know that you are upset, so am I," he said Qiao Tianchang doesn't know how to appease Ning Mengyao.

Looking at Ning Mengyao's appearance, he was distressed.

Reaching back and holding Qiao Tianchang, Ning Mengyao's eyes are full of haze. She didn't intend to kill all of them, but Lingluo really annoyed her. Since they don't want to face each other, don't blame her for being rude.