The Marquis's wife naturally likes her grandson. It's just because of this incident that she thinks of Xiao Zixuan's rudeness to her, so that she really can't like this child.

Lingluo said that Hou Ye's wife was in a hurry. She thought of the things sent by Prince Xiao's house when the baby was born, and Xiao Yilin's love for the baby Hou Fu's wife's face changed, and her brow was tightly wrinkled: "this should be ok?"

"I'll go to see the baby if my mother is OK." He doesn't want to stay here. He has a lot of things to deal with. He doesn't have the time to deal with these women.

Without giving her a chance to talk, Lingluo turned and left.

After he left, Hou Fu's wife didn't have the intention to deal with these women. She impatiently waved them to leave, and then sat on the chair, a little fidgety.

When Ling Luo returned to the shore of Xiao Zixuan, he heard her scream.

"What do you say? Tell me again. " Xiao Zixuan stared at the doctors in front of her.

The chief doctor was worried: "the fever of young master has subsided, but Just... "

"Just tell me what." Xiao Zixuan gnashed her teeth and looked at the people in front of her. Her eyes were sharp.

"Although the fever has subsided, it is still late. In the future, the intelligence of the young master may be..." Although I haven't finished saying this, anyone who is not an idiot can hear what it means.

"No It's impossible. " Her son is so lovely, but now it has become so, how can she not hate?

"Come out in the dark." Xiao Zixuan's back legs are two steps, and her face is full of madness.


"go to find out who took care of the young master before." Said Xiao Zixuan, gnashing her teeth.

She wants those people to know that her Xiao Zixuan's people are not so active.


As soon as darkness appears and leaves quickly, there is no shadow in an instant.

Ling Luo stood outside and listened to Xiao Zixuan's orders. His brow wrinkled. He knew that Xiao Zixuan had a dark guard. But he thought that he had been killed by Xiao Qitian. Unexpectedly, he still had one, which he didn't know.

It seems that King Xiao really loves this daughter. Such people give it to Xiao Zixuan.

"Get out of here." Seeing the doctors standing there trembling, Xiao Zixuan was upset.

After they had to order, they hurriedly packed their medicine boxes, and then left quickly. They were afraid that they would be killed by Xiao Zixuan.

Dark one just spent a little time to investigate all the things. After reading it, Xiao Zixuan was totally stupid.

On such a cold day, there was no earthworm in the room where the child lived, and even the charcoal fire was not burned. However, the person sent by her good mother-in-law acted in defiance of the sun and the sun, and greedily gave the children's things. Not only that, those people were also her mother-in-law's people.

OK, good.

Xiao Zixuan sneered and called the people she had brought from Lord Xiao's residence and dark Wei to go out together. As soon as she went out, she saw Ling Luo. She reached out and threw what she had found to Ling Luo and stopped him.

Then he took people to the courtyard of the Houfu lady.

As soon as she went in, Xiao Zixuan pointed to the servant girls beside her, with a gloomy face: "take them down to the princess, and then kill them all."

"It's the princess."

Hou Fu's wife was so ugly by this scene that she immediately slapped the table beside her: "do you know what you are doing, Xiao Zixuan?" I dare to run to my mother-in-law's yard to get people and kill them. It's just beating her in the face.

Xiao Zixuan looked at the woman opposite with a sneer: "since you can't discipline your own girl, my princess will help you manage and do it." For these things that deceive the Lord, we can't be too many.

"You dare."

"What dare you not? The son of the princess is the first cousin of Prince Xiao's house. When is it time for these things to humiliate? Put a young child in a cold room, and greedily give the child's things. The person who bullies the Lord like this, the lady still protects him. Is it possible that the lady acquiesces in all this? " Xiao Zixuan flies to the Marquis's wife with an eye knife. She wants to see what the woman wants to say.