When did nangongche receive such humiliation? He was still in the public. His gentle expression suddenly became cruel.

"Nangong prince, please take this old man and Zhu Wei back to the general's mansion." Qiao Tianchang ignored nangongche's ugly face and said lightly.

"Please come with us, old man." Green snow came to the old man's side and whispered.

In the dark, Qingxuan shows up with Zhu Wei, and there is no trace of a flash person.

After they left, Qiao Tianchang looked at nangongche and said, "why does the prince of Nangong think the emperor of our country is not worth seeing?"

Nangongche almost spits blood. He really wants to show this meaning. The purpose of this visit is not only not to succeed, but also to make lingguo and Xiaoguo become enemies. This is not what he wants to see.

"The general is serious. Naturally, this palace doesn't mean that."

"That's good, then Nangong Prince please." Qiao Tianchang made a gesture of asking for help, then turned to look at Ning Mengyao: "will you go to the palace with me or will you go back to the house first?" He knew that Ning Mengyao didn't like the palace.

"I'll go with you." She has the most say in this matter. Let's go and have a look.

"Well, let's go."

Nangongche has no choice but to keep up.

In the Imperial Palace, Xiao Qifeng had no words after hearing the zero return. They had just heard the news, and they were blown up by Ning Mengyao. Should we say that Ning Mengyao is actually their lucky star?

Knowing that they will come soon, Xiao Qifeng is not in a hurry: "go to investigate Zhu Wei's actions after entering the mausoleum." If you want to make trouble, you need to make trouble. If you don't make trouble, how can you make nangongche pay for the loss?

"It's the emperor."

Soon outside came the news that Joe Tianchang asked for their meeting.

After entering the Royal study, "see the emperor."

"Get up." Xiao Qifeng waved, and his eyes fell on nangongche. He raised his eyebrows lightly: "this is Nangong prince? How is it different from my memory? Did I remember it wrong? "

"Maybe the prince of Nangong didn't have the face to see people, so he changed his face." Ningmengyao's light words, but this is not so pleasant to hear.

Nangongche's face sank. When he arrived, he forgot to remove the change of face. Now nangongche is very passive because of the harmony of the two people.

It's a big or small thing, depending on what they think.

"Your Majesty is joking. It's just to save some trouble, so it's easy to accommodate." Nangong Chul said with a smile an explanation that he didn't believe very much.

Xiao Qifeng picked up his eyebrows, which means he didn't know how to open his mouth: "I really saved a lot of trouble. If it wasn't for your prime minister's son, I didn't know that Nangong prince had arrived at Xiao."

Nangong Che's hands are broken. This man can really bury people.

After the mask was removed, his handsome face was revealed. Ning Mengyao raised her eyebrows slightly. This man's face is really annoying.

"Your Majesty, about Zhu Wei..."

"I've already sent someone to investigate this matter. If the emperor breaks the law, he should be guilty with the common people. The prince of Nangong should understand that." Xiao Qifeng laughingly interrupts nangongche's words, saying that nangongche has no way to refute.

Nangong Che nodded with a calm face: "naturally, this palace knows."

"In that case, the Nangong prince will wait and find out. If the prime minister's son calls it from time to time, he should give the Nangong Prince an account. But if he calls it, he hopes that the Nangong prince will give an account to the people of Xiao." Xiao Qifeng said with a smile, a good way to talk.

Nangong Che's face was tight, and his face was very ugly.

A group of people stared in the Royal study. Two hours later, people came from the general's office.

Come to Qingxuan: "see the emperor."

"Get up, what's up?"

"Before, an assassin went to the general's mansion of Zhenguo. We caught him trying to assassinate the old man

Xiao Qifeng a listen, face slightly heavy: "bring up." They dare to do this in Xiaoguo. That's enough.

Nangongche's brain leaped to and fro. At this time, if something like this happened, the spearhead must point to them.