After nangongche returned to the tavern, he smashed everything in the tavern room completely.

"What's the matter with you? At this time, even the brainless people sent to the general's mansion, don't they think it's too much trouble? " Nangong Che's eyes looked at the people in front of him like vipers.

Those people trembled under nangongche's eyes: "Your Highness This matter... "

"Zhu Wei will be beheaded in three days. You'd better stop for our palace. If anything happens again, don't blame our palace for being cruel and ruthless, and Prime Minister Zhu's side will make it clear to him." Nangongche thought it was a bad decision to bring Zhu Wei with him this time.

Zhu Wei is not bad at ordinary times. He just can't walk when he sees a woman.

Even if he plays with women, he can bear it. Those women in the common people's family can also deal with their troubles, but this fool even provokes the general's wife of the town.

It's undeniable that that woman is really beautiful, especially that temperament. Even he will be attracted, let alone Zhu Wei, but what's his eyes? Ningmengyao's dress doesn't look like an ordinary woman. He dares to provoke. It's almost fatal.

"Your Highness."

Nangongche's eyes flashed a trace of disgust and anger, and his plans were all broken, which was beyond his control.

"Tianchang, what do you think nangongche will do?" Xiao Qifeng looked at Qiao Tianchang and his wife who had not left and asked.

Because this time, nangongche was brought to the surface, which was a good result, and he was very satisfied with the result.

Joe Tianchang sneered: "what else can he do when things have reached this point? Only accepted. "

"That's the same." Xiao Qifeng is thoughtful. If nangongche dare to use any other means, I'm afraid things will become more inseparable. This is not what he wants. As for them, it doesn't matter.

"In this case, you are going to be executed in three days, and the officials they met in the capital are going to be checked and killed." He didn't believe that no one knew about it, but he was crushed.

"Don't worry, I know how to do it." Although nangongche won't have any action, it doesn't mean that Premier Zhu won't have it. You should know that it's his beloved only son.

Three days later, on the same execution ground, Qiao Tianchang sat on the prison chopping platform and watched the crowd below. The people beside him also read Zhu Wei's crime.

"Kill him." I don't know who is the first to speak. If you have the first one, you have the second one.

What's more, with eggs and rotten vegetable leaves, they were thrown towards the center of the execution ground, even the soldiers on the side were involved.

Killing this inhuman beast is a great pleasure to them. It doesn't matter what they have.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the crowd and slightly raised his mouth: "it's noon, chop."

When the executioner raised his knife high to cut it down, an arrow came straight to the center of the execution ground.

Qiao Tianchang sneered, took the bow and arrow on the side, drew the bow and arched. Two arrow feathers flew to the opposite side at the same time. One split the arrow into two parts, and the other flew to the place where the arrow came.

"All the people down." Qiao Tianchang with the voice of internal power spread all over the execution site. When they heard it, they quickly fell on the ground and did not move. At the same time, hundreds of elite soldiers appeared around, including Lei An and Lin Ziyou, as well as Qingxuan and others.

The archer on the tower was shot through his shoulder by Qiao Tianchang, and his blood was running down.

"There is no pardon for all assassins." Qiao Tianchang looked at the man in black flying down from the city tower and said directly.

Lei'an and other people were very excited. In order to protect the people present, they all dragged their opponents to a relatively open place in the distance. At the same time, Xiao Qitian came with his own dark guard to move the people lying on the ground one by one.

After all the people were moved away, they surrounded all the people in the middle: "kill."


The two sides were locked in a stalemate. Without the common people's restraint, Qiao Tianchang and their hands and feet were naturally free.

When nangongche received the news, his face turned white. Premier Zhu thought he was very good here, right? Every family is a fool.