Mr. Nan glanced at nangongche and said, "this medicine has a incubation period. At the beginning of traditional Chinese medicine, there will be no situation. Only when you hear a specific voice, it will change. But when you finish what we ordered, you will forget everything."

If not for this, he would not tell nangongche this.

This medicine has been studied before, but it was still a semi-finished product at that time, but now although it is a finished product, it has not been used, and I don't know how the effect is.

"Sir, you mean to make me have a good relationship with ningmengyao and take the opportunity..." Nangong Che looks at Mr. Chen, frowning slightly.

He doubted whether it would work.

"That's what I think." Mr. Nan Gong Che nodded.

Nangong Che frowned, thinking of Ning Mengyao's attitude towards him and trying to have a good relationship with the couple, it was even more difficult.

Nangongche's mind, Ning Mengyao they do not know.

At the moment, she is looking at Qiao Tianchang in a very tangled way: "Tianchang, are you sure I really want to go?"

Before Xiao Qifeng side of the people came to tell Qiao Tianchang, a few days later is the Mid Autumn Festival, hope to call on the two people to go to the palace together.

"Qifeng means that he would give such a big banquet because nangongche and them, I'm afraid." Qiao Tianchang also slightly frowned.

He didn't like the banquet in the palace very much. In the past, he could push or push, but he couldn't push, so he went together. Now he even called them to go together. This purpose He's really strange.

"Nangongyue seems to have arrived, not only for her, but also for the people of Fengguo and several neighboring countries. I'm afraid it's not so easy to get rid of it this time." He is the general of the town. If he wants to go there or not, he can't do it. When he attends such a banquet, all the married people should bring their wives with him.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang without words: "what a trouble."

"I also think that no matter how much trouble we have, if we want to go, let's prepare for it." Joe Tianchang said, crying and laughing.

Ning Mengyao's disgruntled lips curled: "that's OK."

Because she agreed with Qiao Tianchang's request, Ning Mengyao naturally couldn't let herself lose face on that day, so that when Qiao Tianchang was busy, she also wandered in various clothes shops and jewelry shops like other ladies and girls.

When Ning Mengyao was looking at clothes in the shop, he met nangongche, who was accompanied by a woman with a veil.

Eyes slightly flickered, Ning Mengyao pretended not to see two people: "green snow let's go."

"Mrs. Qiao doesn't know what she likes. If she likes this palace, she can give it to you." Nangongche sees ningmengyao turning around to leave. He thinks that the things here are too expensive, so he says.

Ningmengyao gave him a light glance and turned to Qingxue: "Qingxue, does your wife look so poor?"

Qingxuebai takes a look at ningmengyao, brushes it, and draws a large stack of silver tickets out of his sleeve, which is less than 100000 yuan.

"My general's office is not poor enough to need other people's help. It's OK to be a big tail wolf." Ningmengyao despised nangongche and left with Qingxue.

With her in big money? She was not afraid to kill him with money.

Nangong Che choked and couldn't speak.

But Nangong Yue looked at their back and frowned, "is this the woman you said, brother? She does have some resemblance. "

"Well, I'm not very good tempered." Nangong Chul gave a cold snort.

Nangong Yue looks at her brother and shakes her head gently.

Even she can see that the woman is not ordinary. Although her eyes are very gentle, they are also proud. She has her self-esteem and her pride.

It's no doubt that brother Huang's doing such a thing is beating people's faces. No wonder he was asked to come back with money.

"Brother Huang, you are using the wrong method. You will only make her more disgusted." She and nangongche are not brothers and sisters of one mother's compatriots, but the father and the emperor asked her to help the emperor. If not, she would certainly ignore him.

Compared with nangongche, she is very fond of ningmengyao, who has only one face.