Wei Zixin snorted, "my sister will soon be the queen. You dare to make me unhappy. I asked my sister to cut off your head."

"The background is really strong." Ning Mengyao sarcastically said that she really wanted to go to km to ask Xiao Qifeng what his vision was.

With such a sister, where can she go?

"I don't know when the prime minister's office is so arrogant." A cold voice came in from the door.

That familiar voice, let Ning Mengyao mouth slightly hook: "Xiao Qitian how are you here?"

"I'm going to help brother Huang. I'm going back. I saw you come in when I passed by. Why didn't Tianchang come with you?" Xiao Qitian went to Ning Mengyao's side and asked with a frown.

"He's very busy. I don't have any problem coming out by myself, but I can meet the best no matter where I go. I really don't read the Yellow calendar when I go out." Ning Mengyao spread out his hands and said helplessly.

Xiao Qitian looked at Wei Zixin coldly: "Wei Zixin, you are so powerful. I can't cut a person's head at will. What do you think you are? Is it still above the king? "

He didn't agree with the Royal brother who wanted to marry the Wei family. With this incident, he was even more unhappy.

"Qi Qi Wang... I... I... I'm not That's what it means. " At the moment when she saw Xiao Qitian, Wei Zixin was completely stunned. She couldn't understand how the seemingly ordinary woman in front of her knew Xiao Qitian, who had never changed her temperament. Not only did she know him, but the relationship between them seemed very good.

Cold hum a, Xiao Qitian didn't pay attention, turned to look at Ning Mengyao: "Mengyao let's go, Tianchang should have returned to the mansion to wait for you."

When he heard that Qiao Tianchang had returned to the mansion, Ning Mengyao naturally couldn't stop. Ignoring Wei Zixin, he left behind Xiao Qitian.

On the way back, Ning Mengyao saw Xiao Qitian frowning and didn't know what he was thinking. He was curious: "what are you thinking?"

"I'd like to advise brother Huang not to take that woman from the Wei family." Xiao Qitian frowned and was very dissatisfied with it.

"You can tell him that with such a sister, I'm afraid her sister will be no better. She will become the leader of the harem. I'm afraid he will have a wonderful life in the future." Ning Mengyao is laughing.

White Ning Mengyao one eye, Xiao Qitian speechless caress forehead: "don't so gloating."

"Have I?" Ning Mengyao's face is innocent.

After returning people to the general's mansion, Xiao Qitian went directly to the palace.

"You'd better not marry that woman in the prime minister's house. She can be a concubine, but not a queen." Xiao Qitian said: "don't worry, brother Huang, I know. But don't be so tired. Let them do what the following people can do. They don't want to eat for nothing. You have to do everything." Xiao Qitian has long been dissatisfied with this matter.

Xiao Qifeng looked at Xiao Qitian and his eyes were full of smiles. He was very useful for Xiao Qitian's concern: "brother Huang has discretion, don't worry."