Because it's the youngest daughter, their demands on Wei Zixin are not as strict as Wei Kexin's, and they are indulgent most of the time. But who can think that this indulgence is just a big thing?

If it's for others and not seen by Xiao Qitian, it's nothing to do with their prime minister's office.

The prime minister's wife stood up helplessly: "I'll go to see that girl."

"Go." Prime Minister Wei waved her past.

Soon only prime minister Wei and father and daughter Wei Kexin were left in the house.

"What my parents and sisters did today is a little over the top." Wei Kexin frowns tightly, not only does not damage the beauty of her face, but also makes people feel pity.

Although it has been said before that she will be the Queen's choice, no one is sure when the dust has not settled.

Ordinary people will only hide it, and only that fool will say it. Not only will he say it, but also he wants to play casual, careless life.

All of these have gone away, but what she can't stand most is that the fool said these things and even was seen by king Qi.

Xiao Qitian was originally opposed to her becoming queen. There was no excuse before. But today, she got hold of it. As long as Xiao Qitian spoke in front of the emperor, her dream would be broken.

Just think of this, Wei Kexin's teeth are itchy.

"Dad knows that Xiao Qitian is very angry about today. I'm afraid he will go to talk to the emperor about something." Prime Minister Wei is also very upset. As long as you wait a few days, it will be the Mid Autumn Festival. At that time, the emperor will surely enrich the harem. If there is no today's event, it is certain that Wei Kexin will become the queen.

But this small mistake made all their plans go wrong.

"Dad, what do you mean?"

"Daughter, I'm afraid you have no chance with the queen." Prime Minister Wei sighed heavily.

Xiao Qifeng will let Wei Kexin into the palace, but he will not make Wei Kexin queen. She can only be a concubine.

Wei Kexin's face is slightly twisted. Her goal is the queen. As for the concubine, what she said is just a concubine.

"Dad, I don't like it." Wei Kexin clenches her teeth. She always aims at the queen, but now she tells her that she has no chance with the queen. How can she accept this.

Prime Minister Wei sighed heavily. How could she be reconciled?

"As long as you enter the palace, you will have a chance. Don't be discouraged." Prime Minister Wei can only comfort his daughter in this way.

The little daughter loved her for so long. Although she caused them trouble this time, she was reluctant to really punish her.

Wei Kexin's face is not particularly beautiful, she knew it would be like this.

Every time Wei Zixin does something, even if it brings great loss to her family, they will not punish her.

"But Xin, don't say we love your sister, it's just her..."

"Enough, I know what your father wants to say. Isn't she small? Let me let her?" Wei Kexin doesn't want to listen to Prime Minister Wei again. If she does, she doesn't know whether she will quarrel with them directly.

"But why do you..." Prime Minister Wei looked at the daughter with some consternation.

"What happened to me? She got into trouble and made me lose my chance with the queen. So for many years, how much did I pay for this seat? Now that she has nothing, why do you ask me to forgive her? " Wei Kexin really doesn't want to worry too much. These words of prime minister Wei cool her heart.

"But Xin is your sister." Prime Minister Wei frowned.

"Just because she's a sister, should I pay for her stupidity? She can do whatever she wants, because you are doting on me, and your requirements are so strict. If you do something wrong, you will be punished. I wonder if I really am your daughter? " Wei Kexin finally can't bear to ask the words hidden in his heart for a long time.

As a daughter, why is the gap so big? She wants to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to make herself more outstanding. Only then can she get praise from her parents. However, Wei Zixin doesn't need it at all. Her words may make them laugh happily.