Prime Minister Wei talked to Wei Kexin for a while before leaving.

Ningmengyao didn't care much about this episode. She soon forgot about it, as if she didn't care at all.

In an instant, the Mid Autumn Festival banquet has arrived. The banquet will start in the evening. Qiao Tianchang left the general's office early in the morning. He needs to help Xiao Qitian to entertain the guests.

Xiao Qitian looks at Qiao Tianchang around him, but his eyes don't know: "Tianchang, what do you think they are all for?"

"I don't know, because what, I don't know tonight? What are you worried about here? "

Qiao Tianchang takes a look at Xiao Qitian and opens his mouth lightly.

Xiao Qitian was stunned, and then laughed: "that's what he said."

He was really in a bit of a rush, which was completely unnecessary.

They are talking at the side. Nangongche looks at Qiao Tianchang and says to nangongyue, "he is the object of your marriage this time."

Nangong Yue frowned and looked at Qiao Tianchang. The man's face was cold, and his expression seemed to be thousands of miles away.

Standing so far away, she could feel Qiao Tianchang's cold breath. Looking at nangongche, nangongyue didn't speak, just thinking about the possibility of this matter.

Qiao Tianchang felt that there were two sights looking at him all the time. Now he looked at the past, which was nangongche's brother and sister.

Nangongche looked at him with a clear calculation in his eyes, while nangongyue was thoughtful, which made Qiao Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly, and his face had a clear thought.

The eyes of these two people don't give him a good feeling.

"What are you looking at?"

"It's nothing, just wondering if anyone wants to die." Joe Tianchang shook his head, then said with a smile.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang doubtfully, Yu Guang at the corner of his eyes noticed Nangong Che's calculating eyes, and immediately understood Qiao Tianchang's words.

Tut tut two, Xiao Qitian didn't pay attention, do you think nangongche wants nangongyue to marry Qiao Tianchang?

This idea made Xiao Qitian shiver, blink, and finally calmly turn away his vision.

It's better for him not to ask about it. When he saved, he got a lot of trouble.

In the afternoon, Qiao Tianchang suddenly said to Xiao Qitian, who was busy on the side, "I'll go back to the mansion first."

"Go." Xiao Qitian was stunned and immediately understood what he was going to do.

When Qiao Tianchang returned to the general's mansion, Ning Mengyao was changing clothes and dressing.

Seeing him come in and smile at him, pointing to the clothes on the bed, "that's your clothes."

Qiao Tianchang picked up his eyebrows and looked at the lake blue clothes on the bed, but he didn't avoid them. He changed them in front of Ning Mengyao.

From the mirror, I saw that Joe Tianchang changed his clothes. He always liked to wear black and white clothes. Suddenly, he changed a color and felt that people had changed a little.

Get up and walk to Qiao Tianchang's side, reach out and pull the person to the dresser and sit down.

Spread out his tall hair, take the comb and help it gently. Then take out a green hairpin from her jewelry box and pull up his hair.

"How are you doing?" Ning Mengyao stands behind Qiao Tianchang and smiles at him.

"Do you mean me or you?" Qiao Tianchang looks at ningmengyao standing behind him in the mirror with a strong smile on his face.

Slightly raised eyebrows: "what do you say?"

"I said? I said my daughter-in-law is certainly beautiful. Let's go. It's almost time. "

"Good." Ningmengyao stepped back two steps, waiting for Qiao Tianchang to get up and follow him to go out.

After they went out, they blinded everyone in the hospital.

"Miss, you and my uncle are really It's so beautiful, miss. You should take good care of your uncle today. Don't be taken away by the wolf. " Qingxue looked at Qiao Tianchang, tut said.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Qingxue with black lines all over his head: "it seems that I should worry about it?" Her daughter-in-law is so beautiful. Where would he cry if he was picked up by the wolf?

Qingxue seriously thought about it, nodded his head seriously: "it's like that."