When Li liner calmed down, Xiao also snorted coldly to Qiao Tianchang and said apologetically, "general Qiao forgives my princess for being ill recently, so please don't mind what he said."

Looking at Xiao Yilin, Qiao Tianchang said lightly: "I only hope that Lord Xiao's eyes will be better. As long as you don't look at my wife, there won't be such a thing."

Then he left with Ning Mengyao and didn't give Xiao Yilin any face, so he hit Xiao Yilin in front of the crowd.

Xiao Yilin's face was a little ugly, but after seeing the blue figure of the lake, he sighed heavily and walked towards it silently.

Li liner walked aside, looking at Xiao Yilin, who was immersed in her own world. Her face was gloomy and terrible.

Ningmengyao reminds her of a person, who is her original shame.

And that person is also hidden in the deepest heart of Xiao Yilin.

For so many years, he pretended to be nothing. She thought he had forgotten, but now it seems that he did not. Instead of forgetting, he still remembers the unusual clarity.

When they arrived at the imperial garden, there were already many people there, including Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao. Their excellent appearance attracted many people's eyes.

Youqi is Wei Zixin of prime minister Wei's family. Since Qiao Tianchang came in, her eyes have been staring at Qiao Tianchang directly, which makes ningmengyao's brow slightly wrinkled with possessive eyes.

Turning his head and looking at the man who dotes on himself and is indifferent to others, Ning Mengyao can't help but reach out and pinch the soft meat on his waist.

Qiao Tianchang's body is stiff, but he looks at Ning Mengyao, leans over his head, whispers in her ear and says, "where did I offend you?"

Ningmengyao humed, "let you provoke peach blossom everywhere."

The little girl's general expression made Joe Tianchang reach out and pinch her hand: "don't you know my mind?"

"I don't know." Ningmengyao shook her head, but her eyes were tinged with a little smile.

Qiao Tianchang picked up his eyebrows and looked at Ning Mengyao. Suddenly, he laughed viciously, "don't you know? Let's go back and have a good discussion that evening. "

Ningmengyao's face burst red and gave Qiao Tianchang a fierce stare: "pay attention to the occasion, don't play hooligans if you can't move."

Looking down at Ning Mengyao's red face, Qiao Tianchang's eyes caught a touch of obsession: "Yao Yao did I say you look good?"

Ning Mengyao blinked strangely, then nodded: "said." I said it before I came today.

Qiao Tianchang lowered his head and whispered in Ning Mengyao's ear, "I suddenly found that I can't leave you, never leave me, OK?"

Ning Mengyao looks up and smiles at Qiao Tianchang: "OK, never leave."

Joe Tianchang was happy at last, but they didn't know that their intimacy fell into the eyes of others, which was so enviable and so wanted to be destroyed.

Of course, some people are jealous, that person is Wei Zixin.

"Shameless bitch." Seeing that the man he loves treats other women like this, no matter how big Wei Zixin's heart is, she can't help being sad. She is his best choice. Why can't he see it?

Wei Kexin on the edge of the hand of the action, looked at the opposite two people a look, so look at know the relationship between the two people is very good, good people envy.

"Don't think about it." Wei Kexin took back his sight and said lightly.

It's impossible to get in between the two. This stupid woman had better not do anything to lose her interest.

Wei Zixin hums a scornful look at Wei Kexin: "that's my business and you have nothing to do with it."

"It has nothing to do with me." Wei Kexin doesn't care.

All of a sudden, she didn't want to persuade Wei Zixin. She wanted to see how Wei Zixin finally died. Isn't that more pleasant?

Wei Kexin's eyes gradually become deep. She is a smart woman who knows what to do and what not to do.

When Prime Minister Wei heard his little daughter's words, he couldn't help but have a headache: "Zixin, don't talk nonsense."