Lingluo really didn't let go. Now he regrets why he chose Xiao Zixuan. If he didn't choose Xiao Zixuan, he would be the envy of all people. The people standing beside ningmengyao would not be Qiao Tianchang.

Looking at Ning Mengyao, Ling Luo said with a gloomy face and gnashing teeth, "I will not give up like this." He will take Ning Mengyao back to his own hands.

He and Ning Mengyao had a previous marriage relationship that Qiao Tianchang didn't have. He didn't believe that Ning Mengyao would do that.

In her heart, it is only because of her choice that she will be angry and treat herself like this.

The more he thought about it, the more likely Lingluo thought it was. He looked at ningmengyao dead, and his eyes were crazy plunder.

That look made ningmengyao frown. She didn't like people looking at her with that look, which made her feel sick.

"Tianchang, I don't like his eyes." Ning Mengyao frowned.

Qiao Tianchang's body didn't move, but saw Ling Luo fly out. The speed made people around him stare with astonishment. How powerful was Qiao Tianchang in the end.

Lingluo fell to the ground and a mouthful of blood gushed out. He stood up awkwardly and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth: "Yao'er came back to me, I don't care about you and Qiao Tianchang."

Xiao Qi can't help laughing at this. He's really afraid of faces and ghosts. Only he can say that.

Lingwuhou and his wife now have the same idea as Lingluo. They really regret that they opposed Lingluo and ningmengyao in the first place.

However, lingwuhou's wife frowned to death, thinking that it was Ning Mengyao's fault. If she had revealed something a little, it would not have been like this.

As long as she thought of the glory that had been lost to them, she could not hate it in her heart.

People in lingwuhou's mansion probably hate Xiao Zixuan later. When she was about to lose everything, she came to give her a heavy blow.

"Mengyao girl, when everyone is young and frivolous, as Luo Er said, we don't mind."

Ningmengyao was disgusted by lingwuhou's appearance, while Xiao Qifeng's Brothers shook their bodies, looked at Qiao Tianchang with interest, and saw that his face was already dark, with a happy smile on his face.

"Fortunately, I didn't have a meal at noon, otherwise I had to vomit. How could there be such a shameless person? He is still a marquis." Mei Ruolin looks at Ling Wuhou disgustingly.

Lingwuhou's face was cold. He just wanted to suppress Mei Ruolin's dissatisfaction.

Meiruolin looked at lingwuhou with a smile, and then turned to ningmengyao: "Xiaoyao, we are very satisfied with this brother-in-law, but don't give us the whole crooked melon and shriveled dates back."

"Sister may, I have no problem with my brain." Ningmengyao lowered her eyes and opened her mouth quietly.

Meiruolin was completely relieved.

Nangongche looked at ningmengyao, his eyes were full of heat: "no matter what, ningmengyao must get it." As long as he gets ningmengyao, does he need to worry about the throne?

Nangongyue takes a look at nangongche: "if you want to die, you can try it." Nangong Yue said sarcastically.

Nangongche's expression was cold: "nangongyue don't think you have helped me a lot, you can interfere in my affairs."

Nangongyue saw nangongche's picture, which could not control anything. He sneered: "since that is the case, you can do it by yourself. It has nothing to do with me."

Does he think Ning Mengyao is so easy to deal with? Is it easy to provoke a woman who can develop tongbaozhai to this extent?

Nangong Che's expression was stiff and he snorted coldly. He didn't speak any more. Even without her help, he could be the Emperor himself. Then Nangongche's face flashed with the color of ruthlessness, and those who obstructed him would die, no matter who it was.

"If the emperor is OK, we will go first." She wanted to know how Merlin and her friends had suddenly come and exposed her identity.