A family of dozens of people died in the hands of those in southern Xinjiang. Because they were born close to Gu Chong, they were even selected by Gu Wang in southern Xinjiang.

However, the choice of king in southern Xinjiang is totally different from that of the outside world. The choice of King Gu in southern Xinjiang depends entirely on the choice of King Gu, and the person selected by King Gu will become the next king of Southern Xinjiang.

Nanyu was selected by Gu Wang when he was eight years old, but he was killed before his family was happy. Nanyu, eight years old, escaped with Nanqi, six years old. If he didn't meet them, he escaped all the way from the people sent by the king of Nanjiang, but he was still seriously injured and almost died.

"In that case, we can rest assured." Yu Feng nodded and let go completely.

There is a person who knows about the insects and insects in the south of Xinjiang, which makes them even stronger.

"By the way, there is another thing. Actually, the Gu king of Nanjiang is on Nanyu." When they were relieved, Qiao Tianchang burst out another hot news.

Yu Feng couldn't believe looking at Qiao Tianchang: "what you said is true?"

"Well, after the Gu king of Southern Xinjiang chooses the successor, he will remember the taste of the other party. No matter where the other party is, he can try his best to get to the person's side." Qiao Tianchang tells them what he heard from Nanyu.

The successor of the king of Southern Xinjiang must have the Gu king.

I'm afraid that the man next to nangongche is the king of Nanjiang. Maybe he came to the Central Plains to find the king Gu.

"So it is." Yufeng didn't expect to hear such a history. It's really surprising.

Ningmengyao is also very curious: "what's the use of this king Gu?"

Yufeng suddenly patted his forehead: "look at me, how can I forget that no matter what kind of insect it is, it will not have any effect in front of the king of Gu, and their kind of medicine is made with insect."


"So even if you take that kind of medicine, there won't be any problem if you have Gu Wang, because Gu Wang will devour that Gu insect." I didn't think of Gu Wang before. He only thought of the ethereal Linghu.

Yu Feng's words, let Qiao Tianchang more at ease: "this is better, I will let Nan Yu come as soon as possible."

"That's good. Tianchang will give you the baby I don't have." Now there are many problems with Ning Mengyao, and the man who came out to investigate Ning Mengyao. Now they can only make sure that the man has no malice for the time being, but they don't know if it will not be malice all the time, so he thinks it's better to be on the safe side.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "Yaoyao is my treasure."

Meiruolin took a look at Qiao Tianchang: "that's our sister."

"She is my wife." Joe was unmoved and spoke directly.

Meiruolin is speechless. Well, my wife is not half as good as my sister.

Ning Mengyao looked at the way they quarreled and couldn't help laughing. It was the relaxed feeling that the stone was taken away.

In the palace, nangongche looks at nangongyue with a gloomy face: "nangongyue you are really a waste."

Nangongyue squints at nangongche, but she doesn't contradict nangongche. She doesn't dare, but she doesn't think it's necessary.

Nangongche's military division glanced at nangongche, and there was a flash of irony in his eyes: "what your highness is going to do now is not this, but to find a way to get close to ningmengyao."

Nangongche shut up. This is really the first thing.

Looking at nangongyue, nangongche suddenly had an idea: "try to get close to ningmengyao and become friends with her."

Nangongyue looks at nangongche with unbelievable eyes, and has a strange idea in her heart. She even thinks that nangongche has a brain problem.

In the previous banquet, she was just like Ning Mengyao. Now she is even allowed to approach Ning Mengyao. As long as people with no problem in mind can't get along with this way.

"Are you right?"

"Don't forget your identity." Nangong Che looked at Nangong moon coldly and said angrily.

Nangong Yue sneered: "I can't do this. To get close to ningmengyao, you have to find a way."

just lost such a big person in front of ningmengyao, so she was asked to get close to ningmengyao. Her brain is not bad.