Feng Shuo looks at Nangong moon and says, "what do you mean? It means that if the answer given by lingguo is not satisfied, Fengguo will be satisfied with Mausoleum... Send out troops. "

Nangong Yue's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe seeing fengshuo. She clenched her hands into fists and died: "Ning Mengyao has nothing to do with Fengguo."

"It doesn't matter? That's just what you think. " How can they have no relationship with each other.

Fengshuo dotes on and looks at ningmengyao with some worries: "Xiaoyao is she OK?"

Qiao Tianchang frowned at Feng Shuo: "who are you?"

"Ha ha, this wench should have told you about me, but that's my word. They all know Yufeng, but she's the only silly wench who doesn't know." When Feng Shuo said this, his eyes were full of doting, but then he saw the person holding her around, and his eyes were full of gloom.

Qiao Tianchang thought carefully. He didn't remember any special name.

"Let's wait until she wakes up." Qiao Tian thought about it, and still decided.

Fengshuo naturally has no opinion, just looking at nangongyue: "nangongyue, should I say that you are the real prince of lingguo?"

Nangong Yue's face changed: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Don't know what I'm talking about? Is it painful to use secret medicine all the time? Don't you feel uncomfortable controlling your body over the shape of a woman? "

Nangong Yue did not speak, but looked at fengshuo with cold eyes: "how do you know?"

"There's nothing the palace doesn't know. I also know that this scholar is not nangongche's man, but your man. You put him by your side to watch him, right?"

Nangong Che couldn't believe looking at her beautiful sister. She was a man? And she's the real prince of lingguo?

Nangongyue takes a look at nangongche and despises him. If it wasn't for nangongche's anxiety, it would not have been exposed. A nangongche would have upset so many of them.

"I really want to know how you know it." Now that it has been said, nangongyue naturally does not hide. He takes a brocade bag from his neck and puts the medicine in his mouth.

There was no time for half a cup of tea. All the people in the room heard the bone clicking. At the same time, nangongyue's body began to pull up. From a height of about one meter six to one meter eight, the beautiful appearance changed a lot, even a little cold.

Twisted his neck, nangongyue ignored that he was still wearing a woman's dress: "it's still so comfortable."

When she was a woman, Nangong Yue's voice was clear and sweet, which was very pleasant to hear. Now his voice is full of magnetism, even a little hoarse.

Nangongche looks at nangongyue. No wonder that his father is so good to nangongyue, who is a woman. It's because of this. No matter what he did wrong, nangongyue will spare him as long as he opens his mouth to nangongyue. He always thought that his father loved him. Now he knows that it's nangongyue, not Linghuang.

"Nangongyue, you have a deep mind." He was used as a shield.

Nangong moon's mouth is slightly hooked, looking at Nangong Che sarcastically: "who makes you so stupid?" If the kingdom of mausoleum is handed over to such people, they will be worried.

Xiao Qifeng's face is ugly. Lingguo is really capable. If it wasn't for Feng Shuo to tell it out today, I don't know how long they will be concealed from these people and how long they will be teased by lingguo.

Looking at Feng Shuo with his hands around his chest, "I really want to know how you found it." They have been doing such a thing for ten years. They began to plan ten years ago. Up to now, she has always been secretive. She thinks that no one will find it, but she is still found by Feng Shuo. Should he say that she is indeed the prince of Feng state?

Feng Shuo took a look at Nangong Yue: "there are many flaws."

"Oh? How to say it. "

"It disappeared for a while on the way to the effect of the princess of the state of mausoleum. She was sitting in the chair of a maid, but the real person in the state of Xiao at that time was actually your nangongyue, right? At that time, nangongche was dazed by you and had been sleeping for a long time. " Feng Shuo explains it lightly.

At first, when he got the news, he didn't believe that a man had become a woman. It was too strange.