"It's OK. Don't worry. I've seen Qingshuang." Qiao Tianchang gently patted Ning Mengyao's quilt and said softly, of course, he knew that she was worried about herself.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang and sees that he really has no discomfort.

After waiting for Ning Mengyao to fall asleep, Qiao Tianchang carries the man back to the room and puts him on the bed that has changed.

Hand out gently pat some restless ningmengyao sleeping, and when she sleeps well, then quietly get up to go outside.

Feng Shuo has been waiting outside, watching Qiao Tianchang come out, some complex said: "you are very lucky." Ningmengyao is not the kind of person who is willing to be close to someone at will, but they have known each other for a long time. Although she is good to them, she still has something to keep, but it is different in front of Qiao Tianchang.

In front of Qiao Tianchang, ningmengyao is the real ningmengyao, without any falsehood.

Qiao Tianchang nodded her head, and of course she knew what kind of attitude she had in Ning Mengyao's heart.

"I know what you want to say."

"Since you know that, treat Xiaoyao well, and don't let me have the chance to take Xiaoyao away." At that time, even if Ning Mengyao didn't want to, he would not let her stay.

If a man can't even protect his own woman, what is he still alive for?

"I know."

Feng Shuo is silent for a long time. He gets up and leaves. His eyes are not nostalgic, but his heart is full of pain.

He always felt that he had a chance. Even though ningmengyao had married Qiao Tianchang, he still had such confidence. Today, after seeing ningmengyao's dependence on Qiao Tianchang, he knew that his confidence was so ridiculous.

No reason, Feng Shuo thought of the first time he saw Ning Mengyao.

At that time, she seemed to be only eleven years old, right? A skinny little girl needs to support herself. Although her clothes are not very good, her temperament attracts everyone's eyes, including the girl who never looks at anyone.

Then what attracted him? Maybe it's her endless ideas.

He didn't know how to come up with her ideas, because many people stayed by her side. He, Yufeng, meiruolin, and brother and sister Muchen, what were their thoughts at that time?

Maybe I want to see how far she can go.

But she gave them a big surprise, which can be said to be a shock.

A medium-level business group, under her operation, in just five years, has become a large business group that is spread over all countries and controls the economic lifeline of all countries.

At that time, they were surprised and also thought it was incredible. A little girl, where did she come from and how did she do it.

That's what they all thought at the time.

In those years, he didn't return to the country, so he stayed with them, followed them and helped her carry out the orders she issued.

Again and again, she brought them amazing surprises, but when things reached the peak, she left there and went back to the small mountain village where she usually lived, together with the man Lingluo.

At that time, their idea was that she would be happy, so they didn't bother her life.

Who knows, what gets finally unexpectedly is she was hurt, mercilessly gave a slap.

At that time, she also lost her trace completely. If it wasn't for grandma Qin that they found her later, maybe they didn't know where she was.

When he heard Yufeng's saying that she had married, he couldn't help thinking, if he had not left at the beginning, but stayed by her side, would it be himself to get her now.

However, all of these are just regrets in his heart.

Feng Shuo didn't know how he left the general's mansion of Zhenguo to return to the palace. But after returning, he suddenly laughed. If she missed, she would miss. She'd better show him happiness forever, otherwise he would do something, and he didn't know.