If tongbaozhai really withdraws all the shops from lingguo, then lingguo will be completely disordered.

"Why did they do that?" The Emperor didn't understand. What kind of excitement did these people come to at this time? Wouldn't it be nice to stay?

"It's said that the general's wife of effect town is the master of tongbaozhai. This month, the master and his son hurt people. Now they are still unconscious." The news has just come back.

Emperor Ling's face changed greatly. Before, he just heard nangongche say that ningmengyao might have something to do with nangongyan, so he ordered that people should be brought back, regardless of any cost. However, what happened later didn't come back at all. Now he even told him that they had offended the leader of tongbaozhai and even injured people, which was a nightmare for them Same existence.

"I remember that miss meijiada was also the decision maker of tongbaozhai, and she immediately sent someone to see me." Mausoleum suddenly thought of Mei Ruolin.

However, the man laughed bitterly: "after this happened, Miss Mei said something and didn't give Ning Mengyao an explanation. It's not over. No matter who comes, it's useless. Even the head of the Mei family can't go."


Now Emperor Ling really has a headache. How can there be so many things in the car.

He didn't want to compromise like this, but would he let the mausoleum be destroyed in his hands?

If there is a problem in the economy of lingguo, people will complain. Even if Xiaoguo doesn't fight in, lingguo will be in civil disorder.

The emperor of mausoleum gnawed his teeth and said, "send an emissary to deal with this matter and go to the Regent. It's better to let him appear."

The following people are speechless and turn their eyes. Who doesn't know Nangong Yan, the Regent, is not in the state of Ling all the year round. What's more, they just ask about these things in the state of Ling and want the regent to do it? I'm afraid it's difficult.

"Tell him that Ning Mengyao is probably his daughter and he will go." The emperor of mausoleum squinted and thought, and directly opened his mouth.

The people below frown, want to advise but don't know where to start.

"The emperor's business..."

"Isn't that what he's been looking for so long? Now give him information, he will go. " As for what will happen then, he doesn't believe nangongyan will ignore lingguo.

However, the emperor of mausoleum ignored a little bit. They hurt Ning Mengyao. When the Regent knows about it, what kind of a reversal will it be?

"Yes." Knowing that the emperor could not be persuaded, the following people can only helplessly take the imperial edict written by the emperor to the Regent's palace.

When he arrived at the Regent's mansion, the Regent was not there. He just announced to the Butler, and then told the Butler that the emperor had asked him to speak.

Nangong Qi squints at the man who comes to make a proclamation. He is seen to be creepy. He runs away without saying anything.

Looking at the man leaving, nangongqi turned back to the inner court and wrote to the Regent outside.

Two days later, nangongyan, dressed in black, received a message from the housekeeper.

Seeing the above content, Nangong Yan's eyes flashed a cruel bloodthirsty, want to use him? We have to see if he wants to be used.

He has investigated the matter of ningmengyao. She was hurt by the people around nangongche who used insects. Now people are still unconscious, worried about not helping, but tell him that ningmengyao may be his daughter's news.

Don't the emperor know that his nangongyan is a protector? Especially for people who have been looking for more than ten years.


"Go back."

One day later, nangongyan, the Regent, came back to the royal palace. Hearing the news, Linghuang smiled happily, but soon he couldn't laugh, because nangongyan only brought his own people and didn't pay attention to the people he sent, so he left lingguo directly.

For this, Mausoleum's face was very ugly, and even there was anger about to break out.

Nangong Yan hurriedly went to the state of Xiao, and the news soon spread back to the state of Xiao.

Xiao Qifeng frowned tightly when he heard the news.

"Tianchang, what do you mean that the Emperor Ling brought Nangong Yan?"