Ningmengyao doesn't have these good fabrics. She has all the better ones. She came out today just for fun. She wants to go shopping, and she enjoys it.

If she had been in a previous life, she would have gone to those big and small baby care shops, but there was no one here. Thinking of this, Ning Mengyao's eyes narrowed slightly. It seems that she could be a unique shop.

When Ning Mengyao was thinking about this wandering, Wei Zixin felt that Ning Mengyao was ignoring her. At present, she reached out to Ning Mengyao and tried to push her, but she didn't meet anyone, so she was pinched by the green Xuan on the edge, and the person threw it straight to one side.

After Wei Zixin was thrown out, she was still a little confused. Only when she knew the stabbing pain from the injury did she react.

"You dare to hit me. Do you know who miss Ben is?" Wei Zixin has now forgotten what her father told him not to be the enemy of Ning Mengyao, so she started directly against Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao looked at Wei Zixin, frowning tightly, and a trace of violence flashed across her eyes: "Qingxuan sent her to the prime minister's office, and told the right prime minister, if he can't discipline his daughter, I don't mind helping him to discipline. In addition, that hand was just abandoned." If it's normal, she can laugh it off as if nothing happened, but now it's impossible. She has a child in her stomach, and she can't let the child have anything.

"It's Madame." Qingxuan leaves with Wei Zixin and looks at the cloth she saw before. Ningmengyao frowns tightly. It's a long time before the shopkeeper changes it.

Qingxue holds the cloth and goes out with ningmengyao for a long time. As soon as she is ready to go back, she sees Qiao Tianchang.

"Why come out with green snow? What about Qingxuan Qiao Tianchang frowned and asked a little worried.

"I asked Qingxuan to do something. Let's go back." Ning Mengyao looks up at Qiao Tianchang and smiles.

Qiao Tianchang nodded and took Ning Mengyao back together.

After returning home, Ning Mengyao thought of the previous idea.

"Tianchang, how about opening a baby care shop?" Ning Mengyao said with bright eyes.

"What is a nursery?" He could tell it was supposed to be about the children, but he didn't really know what it meant.

Ning Mengyao thought about the baby shop of the past life, and then said, "well, it's about children, from clothes to food, to use, and toys and so on."

Qiao Tianchang thinks that there are many children in rich families. If this shop really opens, it may be very popular.

"Tell me more about it." Qiao Tianchang is very interested in this.

"It can sell children's clothes, cribs, strollers, and food for children, such as noodles, rice noodles, etc." She can't make milk powder. If she can, it can be sold.

Qiao Tianchang thought about Ning Mengyao's words carefully, then nodded: "this is feasible."

"Then let's try?" Ning Mengyao said with bright eyes, this is a gift for her children.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and nodded, "OK, just like it, but ask Qi Tian if he wants to put in a hand."


"You rest at home. I'll go to Qi Tian."

"Let him come here. He may not understand you. Then you can help me with the paper and charcoal in my study. I'll draw something for you." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

Joe Tianchang got up and went to his study. Not long after that, he came out with some paper and a black charcoal in his hand.

Ningmengyao quickly drew on paper with charcoal.

Qiao Tianchang looks at the strange things on the paper. His face is full of surprises and toys. He can imagine that if these things are made, many people will like them, right?

"I have a feeling that many people will like these things." Qiao Tianchang said seriously, especially those rich families.

Ning Mengyao nodded: "yes, this is my gift to the child. How do you like it?"

"Great." Qiao Tianchang suddenly doesn't want Xiao Qitian to get in, but he has already said something. Now he wants to change his mouth, it seems that it's too late.