Mei Ruolin snorted and ignored Yu Feng. Instead, she looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "you must be careful when you are pregnant. Don't want to be like that before, do you know?"

"Don't worry, sister Mei. Tianchang looks at me every day." Except when she was sleeping, this person really didn't leave her side. Even if she did, there must be someone else around.

Merlin nodded, relieved a little.

He reached out his hand and rubbed the head of ningmengyao: "Lingluo has me and your brother-in-law there. Don't worry." Lingluo did that. When they came, they had already found out. They wanted to fight their little nephew again. It was like dying.

Ning Mengyao smiled and nodded: "sister Mei is the best."

Qiao Tianchang looks at his daughter-in-law and Mei Ruolin cuddling there, frowns tightly, walks over, reaches out and slips Ning Mengyao to his arms and sits.

"Elder sister, please hold her brother-in-law." Qiao Tianchang said lightly.

Meiruolin maintained the action, staring at Qiao Tianchang: "this is my sister."

"Well, this is my daughter-in-law." Qiao Tianchang nodded to show that he knew Ning Mengyao was his sister, but he also expressed his own meaning.

Mu Xue saw the big eyes and small eyes of the two men, and couldn't help laughing: "Ruolin, you've met a killer."

People were fighting and making noise on the edge. Ning Mengyao was holding her chin and eating the chestnut that Qiao Tianchang had peeled for her. In her eyes, it was the color of satisfaction.

After agreeing to Lingluo, Xiao Zixuan took the child back to Xiao's mansion after making it clear.

"What about the father and the concubine?" After going to Xiao's mansion, Xiao Zixuan didn't see Li lin'er. She was puzzled, so she asked.

"She's in her own yard."

"Father, may I go to see my mother and concubine?" Xiao Zixuan said carefully.

Xiao Yilin glanced at Xiao Zixuan and didn't speak. When Xiao Zixuan was about to sweat, Xiao Yilin nodded and agreed: "OK, go."

Xiao Zixuan was relieved greatly. After a few words with Xiao Yilin, she took the child to Li liner's yard.

"What's the matter with you, princess?" Looking at the luxurious furnishings, Xiao Zixuan frowned tightly and her eyes were full of doubts.

"What's the matter? Not because of your good father? You should ask him what he has done to me. " Li lin'er glared at Xiao Zixuan fiercely and said angrily.

Xiao Zixuan looked at Li lin'er in astonishment. She had never been so cruel to herself, but now she treated herself like this, which Xiao Zixuan could not bear.

"Why are you so fierce, princess?" Xiao Zixuan glared at Li lin'er discontentedly. She didn't provoke her. Why did she treat herself like this.

Li lin'er looked at Xiao Zixuan coldly: "you are a waste. You can't even control your own man."

Xiao Zixuan looks at Li lin'er in a daze. She doesn't understand why Li lin'er, who has been doting on her, said such a thing.

"I didn't seem to provoke you, did I?" Xiao Zixuan couldn't accept it, she said angrily.

"Didn't provoke me? Why do you say you are so stupid? You can't even compare with ningmengyao's wild seed. You should have kept her and thrown you away. " Li lin'er seems to be mentally deranged recently. Looking at Xiao Zixuan, she thinks of ningmengyao's scenery and her ruthless treatment by Xiao Yilin.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Zixuan looked at Li lin'er

"What do you mean? I say you're a waste. You can't even compete with a wild species. It's nice to come here. " Li lin'er completely ignored Xiao Zixuan's stupefied appearance and said what she had in mind.

Xiao Zixuan's eyes were full of anger when she looked at Li liner: "I know that my father is not happy to lock you up, but what does it have to do with me? Do you want to do this to me? "

"Why can't I do this to you? It's your fault that you can't bring benefits to me or make me more beautiful. And you killed your brother. Xiao Zixuan, you are really a bitch, just like your bitch. " Li lin'er looks at Xiao Zixuan as if she is looking at someone through her.