Xiao Yilin looked at Li lin'er and said, "if ya'er is really dead, you won't tell me this here. Tell me what you want to do." Xiao Yilin spoke directly.

Li lin'er sneers: "don't you know whether Xiao Chengya knows this? Her brother has such a mind for herself. She doesn't know if she will feel sick after that. " Li lin'er laughs. The crazy look makes Xiao also look murderous.

"Want to kill me? If you want Xiao Chengya to die, you can try it. " Li lin'er is not afraid to look at Xiao Yilin. Instead of being locked in a trance like this, she might as well go out from this ghost place. After going out, she should let those women know her means.

"Come and take the princess to the dungeon. Don't let anyone die." Xiao Yilin looks at Li lin'er and says in a cold voice.

Li lin'er had thought that Xiao Yilin was not sure how to deal with herself. Who knows that she did such a thing.

Dead looking at Xiao Yilin, Li lin'er roared angrily: "Xiao Yilin, you can't die, Xiao Chengya, that bitch can't die."

Listen to Li liner's curse, Xiao Yilin's face is more ugly: "take it down."

Looking at Li lin'er being dragged down, Xiao Yilin looked at the yard and said coldly, "let's find out if there is a secret way in the yard."


After leaving Li lin'er's yard, Xiao Yilin went directly to the general's office of Zhenguo.

"I want to see your wife." Xiao also looked coldly at the people standing in front of her.

"Madame and general are not seeing each other now." Said the man at the door.

"Go tell your general and tell her that she will know the news of Xiao Chengya." In spite of this, nangongyan may know the news soon, but he doesn't care. The power in his hand is not as big as ningmengyao. If xiaochengya is not in lilin'er's yard, only ningmengyao has the ability to find people.

The gatekeeper gave Xiao Yilin a look, and one of them went inside.

"I have seen the general."

"What's the matter?"

"Lord Xiao wants to see his wife. He says he has news of Xiao Chengya."

When Qiao Tianchang heard this, his face changed and his eyes narrowed slightly: "let him in."

At the same time, Qiao Tianchang goes back to the room to find Ning Mengyao and wakes up the confused Ning Mengyao: "Yao Yao don't sleep, Xiao Yilin is here. He says he has news about his mother-in-law."

"This is true?" said Ning Mengyao as soon as he heard of the hazy sleepiness

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "mostly."

Xiao Yilin dare not use this to deceive them, that is to say, it is true.

When they went out, Xiao Yilin was waiting outside. When they saw Ning Mengyao coming out, Xiao Yilin was excited.

"What's the matter with you coming?" Ningmengyao's expression was very cold before Xiao Yilin wanted to speak.

The excitement in Xiao Yilin's eyes faded, and his expression was a little bitter: "I came here today to tell you that your mother was taken away by Li lin'er. I only know that people are still alive. As for where, there is no way to find it."

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Yilin with a strange expression: "how do you know?"

"Li lin'er said it himself." The news that Xiao Zixuan is not her own child is nothing compared with Xiao Chengya's.

Ning Mengyao frowned at Xiao Yilin: "are you sure the news is true? If so, why would she tell you? Is there no purpose? "

Xiao Yilin frowned. Just now, she was just excited and completely ignored this matter. When Xiao Zixuan came, she deliberately told Xiao Zixuan that she was not born by Li liner, and then led herself to the past. Then she heard her saying that. Then Li liner said it again.

Everything is too simple. It's too simple to be doubted.

"You mean she lied to me?"

"It's not enough to cheat, just to wonder why she did it." Ning Mengyao shook her head and said strangely.

"I put her in a dungeon." Xiao Yilin suddenly opens his mouth.

"Find a reason to let it go and let it be seen." Ning Mengyao thought about it and said, "as for the others, I'll let someone check them."