Ningmengyao nodded. She understood that it was useless to think so much now, but she was still worried.

"Xiaoyao, what you have to do now is to have a good baby. Don't think so much about the rest. The sky is falling and we are still holding it." Yufeng frowns at Mengyao, who is still dead. She reaches out and knocks her head. There is obvious helplessness in her eyes.

Ningmengyao reached out to cover her head and glared at Yufeng.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Yufeng coolly, and gently rubs his hand on Ning Mengyao's forehead.

The Yu Feng who looked in the eyes quickly took back his hand and turned to talk to Mei Ruolin in a pretentious way. Don't mention how much to beat.

"Although Feng's words are not very pleasant, Yao'er is right. You and us are holding on, so don't worry about it." Mei Ruolin looks at Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao nodded: "I know, I won't do it in the future."

Of course, she knew that when she was pregnant, she had to keep a good mood. She was always worried. She would probably have prenatal depression.

They said some funny things. When they saw Ning Mengyao smiling, they were relieved.

At last, they looked at situ Xuan: "Xuanxuan, you really don't want to go back to have a look?"

"No need." Situ Xuan's eyes twinkled slightly, and she said lightly.

She won't go back to situ's house. She will think of her mother's death as soon as she goes. She can't stand that woman. She will kill people directly.

So she'd better stay outside. She said that she can leave situ's family, but she can't destroy situ's family, which will bring her a bad reputation.

She listens to her mother. She is far away from that place. As long as those people don't provoke herself, she can pretend that she doesn't know them and has nothing to do with them.

Seeing what situ Xuan looked like, people didn't know what to say for a while.

"Xuanxuan, we'll support you if you want to do anything, as long as you have a word." Ning Mengyao looked at situ Xuan and said earnestly.

Situ Xuan smiled and nodded: "of course, I know that you will support me and not let others bully me, but I promised my mother that as long as they did not provoke me, I would not really do anything to them." But if those people don't have eyes, don't blame her for being rude, especially the woman. After all, there is no blood relationship between them.

A lowly concubine, she just killed, so what?

"Though you say that, you can't help but pay back your grievances." Muchen's eyes narrowed slightly, and his mouth was cold.

They've known each other for a long time. When they first met, situ Xuan's face looked like death. They still remember that, of course, it can't be simply calculated.

Situ Xuan smiled and nodded, "OK."

Muchen went to situ Xuan's side and covered her eyes: "don't laugh if you don't want to. It's very ugly."

"Disgusted?" He reached out and pulled down Muchen's hand. The smile on situ Xuan's face was so much.

Muchen's eyes are full of doting: "how can it be?"

Ningmengyao leaned on Qiao Tianchang's arms, looked at the two men's full of adultery, and couldn't help but raise her eyebrows: "what do you mean? How can I feel what I don't know? "

Mu Xue laughs: "Xuanxuan will be my sister-in-law soon."

"Really? That's a great compliment. It's not enough for you not to tell me. " Ning Mengyao looks at the two people, the expression is called a complaint.

Muchen picked up her eyebrows and looked at Ning Mengyao: "are you jealous?"

White Mu Chen a look, Ning Mengyao is very disgusted: "I jealous? You're not Tianchang. " If Joe Tianchang treats other women like this, she may be jealous. But who is he? He's just a friend. She doesn't care so much.

Reach out and touch Ning Mengyao's cheek: "don't say anything."


"That's not good either." Qiao Tianchang looks down at Ning Mengyao's eyes.

Flat flat mouth, Ning Mengyao nodded, sitting Qiao Tianchang's side, looking at the opposite two people: "when are you two going to get married?"

"Look at Xuanxuan." Muchen's face was full of laughter.

He's already said it with his parents. Now wait for her to talk.