Situ Xuan didn't want to make a big deal, but she nodded and agreed: "OK, let's go in the morning."

"Let's go."

A group of people went to the palace together, and even situ Ming was dragged away. As for the servant girl who followed her, when she saw something was wrong, she hurried back to tell the master.

Hearing the noise outside, situ Sheng frowned and said, "what's the noise?"

Aunt Lu pushed aside the people who stopped her and ran to situ Sheng's face: "master, please help Minger."

Situ Sheng pushed away the people in front of him impatiently and frowned: "what's the matter again?" For this daughter, situ Sheng was a little impatient, and was spoiled by Aunt Lu for some willful, even unruly, willful and often made troubles.

"It's not because of that cheap girl of situ Xuan." Said this aunt Lu is very angry, if not that cheap girl, she is still only a lady now? Think about it and hate it.

After hearing this, situ Sheng began to brush his face and pushed aunt Lu away: "what did you just say?"

To say who situ Sheng can't afford most in his life is the mother and daughter of situ Xuan, who died in front of her in such a gorgeous way. Considering that she didn't even want to look at herself when she was dying, and that she said those words to Xuanxuan, situ Sheng's heart ached.

Aunt Lu knew that situ Sheng's ugly face had said something wrong, and she quickly shook her head: "master, I am not I... "

"What's going on?" Situ Sheng didn't want to see her like this, he said impatiently.

Aunt Lu faltered and said it again. The more he heard it, the angrier situ became. At last, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

She raised her hand and slapped aunt Lu: "how do you teach your daughter? She deserves it. " A small commoner girl, also dare to curse her own daughter in front of so many people, but also be seen by Xiao Qitian, this is looking for death.

Aunt Lu, covering her face, did not dare to say anything more, but begged to see situ Sheng: "the master is your daughter no matter how he said ming'er, you can't see her punished like this."

When Aunt Lu begged situ Sheng to save situ Ming, Xiao Qitian over there had taken them to the palace.

Disgusted, he threw situ Ming aside: "today, brother Huang, you can decide for Xuanxuan."

Xiao Qifeng frowned at situ Ming, who had become obsessed from panic. His eyes were full of disgust: "what's the matter?"

"She A little girl dared to point at Xuanxuan and scold her in the street Xiao Qitian doesn't really like this woman at all.

Situ Ming quickly shook his head: "I don't have it, Emperor. It's not true."

"When someone came here, situ Ming broke the rules and dragged down the big 30 boards." Xiao Qifeng didn't want to continue to listen to her wailing, so he was dragged down.

"Situ Xuan, you bitch, it's all your fault. The emperor spare your life." At this time, situ Ming is still abusing situ Xuan, or in front of Xiao Qifeng. Isn't it for smoking?

Xiao Qifeng looked at the people outside coldly, and his eyes were full of contempt.

"Why didn't Xuanxuan come back to see me?" Xiao Qifeng looked at situ Xuan and said helplessly.

"Brother Qifeng, I just came back. Who knows, I met her." Situ Ming doesn't like her. She doesn't like her, and even hates her death.

Xiao Qifeng looked at the standing people and ignored their rudeness: "sit down."

"What are you going to do."

"I want everything back to my mother." Situ Xuan said coldly.

When my mother married situ Sheng, the dowry was ten li red.

Xiao Qifeng squinted at situ Xuan and then nodded: "OK, I have a dowry list here. It was left by my aunt at the beginning, and it is the dowry prepared for you."

Situ Xuan looked at Xiao Qifeng gratefully. "Thank you, brother Qifeng."

"But there should be a reason." Ning Mengyao suddenly opens her mouth.

I'm afraid I can't get those dowries back without a reasonable reason.

Muchen's eyes narrowed slightly. After seeing situ Xuan, she suddenly said, "please marry Xuanxuan and me."