If it's not because she's dirty now, Nangong Yan will hug her daughter. She hasn't seen her for a while. She's a little fatter. Maybe it's because she's pregnant. The whole person is a lot gentler.

"Dad, I'll ask someone to prepare water for you and wash it."


"I have seen my father-in-law."

"I have seen my uncle."

"No need to be polite." Nangong Yan has a lot of smiles on his face. He has heard about these people from his daughter. He used to take care of his baby daughter so that she could have everything she has now.

They went to ningmengyao's courtyard with nangongyan in their arms. After a while, mother Qin and his son had already prepared water for him.

After washing, Nangong Yan changed into clean clothes and came out: "Yao'er dad has a very important thing to tell you this time."

"What is it?"

"Go to the study." Nangong Yan takes a look at the people around him. Except for the servants, he can believe it, but he is not sure.

As soon as they heard about it, they immediately knew that it was a big deal. Yufeng thought about it and said, "uncle, we still have something to deal with, so we won't disturb you to talk about it."

"OK, then you can do it." How can Nangong Yan, as a human being, not know what they mean? Just trying to avoid it.

Three people enter the study, Nangong Yan takes out one thing from the clothes, looks at Ning Mengyao, sighs: "this is what your mother has been carrying since childhood."

Ningmengyao's eyes are full of consternation when she puts them on the necklace. This She had seen it, but not in this era, but in modern times. It's said that it's the carry on of a founding princess, but she thought it was just hype.

"I don't know what the use of this thing is, but it's very important to hear from your mother. When I went to ask for a marriage, your mother suddenly gave this thing to me and asked me not to tell anyone. Later, something happened to her." Thinking of Xiao Chengya's worried appearance at that time, Nangong Yan really regrets why he didn't ask more. If he asked more, maybe things won't become the way they are now.

They won't be separated for that long.

Ning Mengyao looked at Nangong Yan and said, "Dad means that my mother was taken away for this?"

"Probably." Nangong Yan nodded.

His answer made ningmengyao think of the mysterious person Yufeng had told her. Isn't that mysterious person nangongyan, but someone else? Or is that person likely to be the one who wants it?

But if so, who is the one who took Xiao Chengya?

Ningmengyao found that things seemed more and more complicated, and they didn't know anything about it, even nangongyan didn't know the origin of the necklace.

"Dad, when did you find out about me?" Ning Mengyao suddenly looks at Nangong Yan.

Nangong Yan didn't understand why ningmengyao asked, but she said, "it should have been more than half a year ago."

Ningmengyao is idle at this time, earlier than that mysterious man.

"Some time ago, my brother-in-law told me that a mysterious man was investigating my mother and me. At first, I thought it was my father, but now I think it's wrong." Time is not right at all. Not only that, since Nangong Yan has known for a long time, he won't make such a thing. Isn't it unnecessary?

Nangong Yan's face changed greatly: "what you said is true?"

"It's true."

Nangong Yan paced back and forth in the study, with worry in her eyes. Seeing this, Ning Mengyao felt a little strange in her heart. She always felt that Nangong Yan seemed to know who the man was.

"What's the matter with you, dad?"

"Did you find that man?"

"No, this man can't even find out tongbaozhai." Ningmengyao shakes her head. This person is too mysterious, which makes her feel very dangerous, especially after knowing whether it is Nangong Yan.

The expression on Nangong Yan's face was more worried: "Yao'er must be careful. No way. Dad will stay here until all the things are over."