Their arrival put everything on the agenda. After checking everyone's health, Ning Mengyao immediately arranged things for everyone: "in addition to a few people who need to be cured, I'll send others to you. Then when you get there, someone will arrange you to do things. As for your children, I've built a school there, and they can Where they can read. "

When they heard it, their eyes were filled with gratitude.

"Lei'an and they will give it to you, send people to him, and then give this to Uncle Jiang. Then he will know how to do it." Ning Mengyao wrote down some of the things she arranged to get up in the morning.

"It's sister-in-law."

After Ryan left with others, the rest of them felt that they were eating nothing.

Their uneasiness, Qiao Tianchang naturally saw, went to several people's side: "don't think too much, your injury is good, and then it's not too late."

"General, we know." Now that their hands and feet have been healed, they can only wait.

Qiao Tianchang patted them on the shoulder, just told them to take good care of their injuries, and said nothing else.

Ning Mengyao is in the study, looking at Qingxuan: "you mean, Li lin'er has sent a letter to someone? What is the content? "

Qingxuan hands the copied content to ningmengyao.

Ningmengyao took it and looked at it. Then she sneered and said, "sure enough, someone is watching. Maybe soon the other party will come."

Qingxuan looked at ningmengyao doubtfully and wanted to ask why. He just saw ningmengyao like that and didn't ask anything. He just nodded and didn't talk anymore.

After waiting for Qingxuan to go out, Ning Mengyao opens the paper and looks at the contents. What's written on the paper is that Xiao Yilin already knows about Xiao Chengya and is investigating.

She wrote something else, but none of it was written. She said it herself.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and Ning Mengyao's mouth was slightly raised. It seemed that Li lin'er wanted to bring all those people over, but she pushed all the things on Xiao Yilin's body. Then she had nothing to do with her.

With one hand hitting the table, Ning Mengyao's eyes flashed cold. No matter what her purpose was, she would not succeed in the end.

Get up and walk to the side of the candle, put the note on it, and watch the fire gradually devour it.

When Ning Mengyao came out of the study, Qiao Tianchang came in from the outside, and saw that her face was full of doting smile: "are you finished?"

"Well, let's play." Ning Mengyao suddenly opens her mouth. Her brother-in-law looks at these things. She can be very leisurely.

Qiao Tianchang went over and looked into her eyes: "why do you suddenly think of this?"

"Well, it's nothing. I just want to go out and play." Ning Mengyao said with a smile, reached out and hooked Qiao Tianchang's neck, said with a smile.

"Well, let's go to flower city for a few days."


The next day Qiao Tianchang and his wife just said something to the crowd, and they waved their sleeves and left.

Yufeng and their speechless look at the willful couple's face, they are helpless in their hearts. Can they be reliable?

On the way to Huacheng, Ning Mengyao is in a good mood. She seems to have smelled the fragrance of flowers in the air before entering the city in the evening.

"This is a nice place." As soon as she entered the city, Ning Mengyao asked about the strong fragrance of flowers, which she liked very much.

"First find a place to live, and then visit tomorrow." When Qiao Tianchang saw the joy in her eyes, he knew that she must like this place.

Ning Mengyao nods, and they find a place to live. There are many flowers in the tavern, which are very pleasing to the eyes.

"Do you want to stay or have dinner?"

"A good room, a box, and some food."

"Yes, sir. This way, please."

Ning Mengyao said this in a low voice to Qiao Tianchang as she watched everything around her.

However, as soon as they reached the stairway, an arrogant voice rang out: "stop, their box is ready for Miss Ben."

Ningmengyao turns her head and looks at the glittering women with arrogant eyes: "let's go, Tianchang."