Many flowers have been put on the stage in the flower appreciation meeting hall. Many ningmengyao have seen it in modern times, but there are many chrysanthemums. After all, autumn is the time when chrysanthemums open.

The flower appreciation meeting soon began, but it didn't take long for Ning Mengyao to lose interest. Listening to those people on the stage, Ning Mengyao was sleepy: "I'll sleep for a while when the sky is clear."


Ning Mengyao had just fallen asleep, and a harsh voice came from the side: "such a place can also fall asleep, it is really vulgar people."

Flower appreciation is a festival that everyone pays attention to in the flower city, but now a foreigner has fallen asleep on it, which is a shame to the flower city.

Liu Yuehan went to Qiao Tianchang's face and said angrily, "leave Huacheng at once."

Qiao Tianchang squinted at Liu Ruyan's high toe and high air. His eyes narrowed slightly. All of them were cold: "Huacheng doesn't seem to belong to your family."

"Hum, my father is the leader of Huacheng, and Huacheng belongs to my family." Liu Yuehan looked at Qiao Tianchang and said proudly.

Looking at Liu Yuehan's proud look, "is that right? I don't know when the emperor's flower city will become your home. "

The people on the edge thought that Liu Hanyan's words were too serious.

"I don't mean that."

"What do you mean then?" Ningmengyao didn't know when she opened her eyes and looked coldly at Liu Hanyan who was shouting there.

"Tianchang, let's go. It's a place like this. I thought Huacheng was so good. I didn't expect it to be the same." Ning Mengyao said scornfully.

Liu Hanyan looks at Ning Mengyao dead, listening to her slander of Huacheng, and immediately gets angry.

"You bitch, don't talk nonsense." Say to want to begin to fan Ning Mengyao's slap in the ear.

Ningmengyao was shocked and stepped back. She didn't know what she had stumbled on. She nearly fell down.

Qiao Tianchang holds ningmengyao with eyes and hands, and slaps Liu Hanyan in the face with his backhand.

"Yao Yao, are you ok? Is there anything uncomfortable? " Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao nervously, deeply afraid that she is uncomfortable there.

"Tianchang, don't worry. Neither I nor my baby are worried." Ning Mengyao soothes Qiao Tianchang in a soft voice.

The people on the side understood immediately. The lady was pregnant. No wonder she fell asleep at the flower appreciation meeting. After all, the pregnant woman is sleepy.

But they are not so friendly when they look at Liu Hanyan. What does this person mean? It's too vicious to beat a pregnant woman at this time.

Qiao Tianchang sees Ning Mengyao to be OK, the face immediately is black turn head to look at Liu Hanyan: "you seek death."

"Ah I... Don't you dare. "

In the distance, Liu hanruo frowned at the scream of Liu Hanyan. His eyes were full of displeasure, but he came over.

"What happened?"

Seeing Liu hanruo, Liu Hanyan is like seeing a life-saving straw, grabbing her clothes to death: "elder sister, this man even started to hit me, you must avenge me."

"I don't know how my sister offended you, young man?" Looking at Liu Hanyan's red and swollen palms, Liu hanruo frowned, puzzled in his eyes.

"Go away."

"You Don't go too far. " Liu hanruo talks to him well. Who knows that this man let her go.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Liu hanruo coldly: "too much? Do you want to ask who is going too far? "

"That's to say, I want to beat a pregnant woman. Now, in turn, the villain will complain first, but he will be shameless." The people on the side are whispering, but the people who are loud are all people of some status.

Liu hanruo turns his head and looks at Liu Hanyan. His eyes are full of sternness: "what's going on?"

"She fell asleep at the flower appreciation meeting. Shouldn't she be taught a lesson?" Liu Hanyan said unconvinced.

People nearby were amused by her words: "they are pregnant women. Don't you know that pregnant women are sleepy? Besides, there is no rule that you can't sleep at the flower appreciation meeting. "

"That's right, aren't you bullying people?"

All of you said a word to me, Liu hanruo said very shameless: "apologize immediately."