Lingluo felt that he could not wait any longer. As soon as he saw the intimacy between the two of them and thought of Ning Mengyao giving birth to a child for Qiao Tianchang, his heart could not express his hatred.

Lingwuhou looks at his son like this, his brow is slightly wrinkled, and he is not satisfied with it, especially the flame in his eyes.

Reaching out and patting his son on the shoulder, Ling Wuhou looked at him seriously: "luo'er is now our most critical fit, don't think about it."

Ling Luo's body is stiff, silent for a long time, then nods: "I know."

As his son looked like this, marquis Lingwu also knew that he never let go of ningmengyao: "as long as we succeed, nothing is impossible." This is a word Lingwu said to Lingluo.

Women are vain in his eyes. As long as they stand at the top, what kind of women do they want?

Lingluo explains ningmengyao. She is not that kind of vainglorious person, and now she also has the power and power, and it is impossible for her to do such a thing.

This kind of cognition makes Lingluo very uneasy, so that he will gradually lose control, especially in the face of two people.

"Father, I......"

"There's already some news over there. Don't mess around at this time. Be sure to hold on to Xiao Zixuan before you start. Understand?" Now Xiao Zixuan is a time bomb to lingwuhou. Maybe it will pop at some time.

Ling Luo's eyes flashed impatiently: "I know, but she said before that Xiao Wang already knew, very angry."

"Xiao Yilin knows?" Lingwuhou's actions were a meal, and his brow was slightly wrinkled.

"Well, I already know it, but I'm a little strange. How do I know it? Xiao Zixuan was called back to Xiao's mansion that day, and then she came back a little lost. I think it was at that time that something happened." Lingluo thought of Xiao Zixuan's appearance at that time, and her brow was slightly wrinkled.

Lingwuhou tapped the table with one hand: "this matter must be investigated."

"I know."

The two chatted for a long time in the study. When Xiao Zixuan came back to her yard, she was so angry that she could not scare the servant girls and their sons.

The general's residence was also very busy during this period. When Qingshuang married Nanyu, Yang Lele came and his family came. After the wedding, Yang Zhu and his family went back, and Yang Lele stayed and planned to play for a while.

In this period of time, Ryan had nothing to do with running in front of her.

For their current situation, Ning Mengyao adheres to the attitude of watching opera.

But Ryan was worried: "sister-in-law, please help me."

As soon as Qiao Tianchang and them came back from the outside, Ryan ran over and looked at Ning Mengyao pitifully, as if he had been bullied.

A one meter eight strong man, in front of his own show a look of grievance, that sense of vision, let Ning Mengyao can not help laughing.

After laughing, Ning Mengyao felt embarrassed again: "what's the matter with you?"

"Sister in law, I like Lele." Ryan said seriously.

"So?" Ning Mengyao looks at Lei An with a smile, which is like gloating.

These days when Yang Lele goes out, she knows that there are many men who are courteous to her, because Yang Lele told her that she didn't like it.

Now seeing Ryan like this, she thought in her heart, what's the stimulation for Ryan? Otherwise, according to her character, I can't.

"I want to marry her."


"That must be serious. Please help me, sister-in-law, please." Lei An looks at Ning Mengyao with his hands folded.

"Fool, go find someone and make it clear."

Lei'an is shocked. Yes, he didn't speak to Yang Lele clearly. After he thought about it, lei'an ran away.

That made Ning Mengyao shake her head and laugh. She thought it was a mature one. I didn't expect that she was in such a hurry at this time.

"How can it all be such a fool?" Ning Mengyao said he didn't understand.