Looking at the baby reaching out for himself, Ling Luo is warm in his heart, reaching out to hold the baby.

Xiao Zixuan didn't plan to give the baby to him, but she saw the look of bao'er's eyes, so she could only put her hand to him in silence.

The baby cackled and the voice was very clear, which made Lingluo like it very much.

Of course, it would be better if his fleshy little hand didn't pull his hair.

The tingling of the scalp made Ling Luo frown. She just looked at the smiling face of bao'er, but she was not angry. Instead, she was conniving.

Seeing Lingluo like this, Xiao Zixuan frowned tightly and didn't quite understand what this man meant now.

"How about my mother take you to play?"


Xiao Zixuan had no choice but to feel unhappy. She felt that her son had been robbed, so she was disgusted with Lingluo.

"You don't seem to want to see me." Lingluo suddenly spoke.

Xiao Zixuan suddenly laughs at Lingluo. What does this man mean? Don't you think it's too much to tell her that she has used up all her value?

"Do I have any value for you?" Xiao Zixuan suddenly looked at Ling Luo and asked.

Lingluo frowned: "why do you ask that?"

"Now I don't have the support of Lord Xiao's house, and I don't have all the value for you. You really don't need it." Now even if Lingluo wants to stop her, she has no way at all, because she is no longer the high princess.

Ling Luo was silent and did not speak.

Xiao Zixuan is right. For him, she really has no use value, but he doesn't know why. All of a sudden, she wants to do that.

"Come to the palace banquet with me."

Xiao Zixuan glanced at Ling Luo and turned back to the room: "no, I don't want to go. You can take someone else."

Ling Luo's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, and Xiao Zixuan's face was not good: "my father is gone."

Lingluo put the baby in Mammy's hand and asked people to take care of it carefully before leaving.

Looking at the back of his departure, Xiao Zixuan sighed with great relief. Lingluo's change today made her have no mistakes, more thinking about what he wanted to do? Do you want to cheat yourself again?

Such an idea made Xiao Zixuan frown tightly. Thinking of this incident, Xiao Zixuan couldn't believe Lingluo any more.

Lingluo went back to his yard, just entering the house, he smelled the strong smell of lipstick, which made Lingluo frown.

"Who let you in?"

"I just miss you, young master." Said twisting his slender waist towards Ling Luo.

If in the past, Ling Luo would surely hold people in her arms, but this time she did not. When I got close to him, she pushed them away.


is really something that can't be put on the table. With these people, Lingluo feels that Xiao Zixuan is really very good. Besides, she has given birth to such a lovely son.

The more you think about Lingluo, the more you think about the woman in front of you.

"Why do you treat me like this, young master?" The woman fell on the ground and looked at Ling Luo wrongly.

In that eyes were all the complaints against Ling Luo. In such a pitiful appearance, Ling Luo didn't mean to be distressed, but he still felt very disgusted.

"Go away."

When the woman saw Lingluo's gloomy expression, she got up from the ground and stumbled away two years later.

After leaving Lingluo's yard, the woman gnashed her teeth and snorted coldly. She seemed to be very dissatisfied with him.

Xiao Zixuan didn't want to go to the Palace Banquet. He had no choice but to go.

At the Palace Banquet, Ling Luo thought he could meet Ning Mengyao. Who knows that Qiao Tianchang is the only one. He is chatting with Xiao Qitian. Xiao Qitian doesn't seem to have too many accidents about the arrival of Ning Mengyao.

Lingluo would like to go over and ask Qiao Tianchang if something happened to Ning Mengyao, so he didn't come. Just thinking of his current identity, it seems that he didn't have a position to ask such a question at all.