Joe Tianchang leaned on the chair with a happy smile on his lips.

If someone had told him a few years ago that one day he would become like this and be willing to go around a woman, he might not believe it at all, but now he does.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, such a life is a bit boring, but for him, such a life is no longer warm.

"It's a good life."

"I think so too. I feel that you are already happy." Xiao Qifeng shakes his head and laughs.

Qiao Tianchang could not help laughing: "no matter where I am, I will be by your side when you have something." They are brothers who can live and die together. He can't face danger alone.

"Xiao Qifeng a Zheng, then nodded:" I believe you

They talked for a long time in the study. When they went down, the group of players were still playing cards, and Ning Mengyao was among them. In front of them, there was a pile of silver tickets.

Yu Feng looks at Ning Mengyao with tears in his eyes: "why do we lose every time Xiaoyao plays cards with you?" It's too much for her.

Ningmengyao picked up her eyebrows and said with a smile, "I'm lucky, I can't help it."

Meiruolin next door saw his own man like this and gave him a look of disgust: "deserved it."

"Can we talk well, daughter-in-law?" She won so many silver tickets by Ning Mengyao, but now she is scolded by her daughter-in-law.

Qiao Tianchang went to Ning Mengyao and sat down beside her. He put his hand around her waist and said, "are you tired?"

"I'm not tired. I'll split you in half later." Ning Mengyao said with bright eyes.


When they stay together, they can make people feel sweet and greasy, which makes people feel helpless, but more happy.

In the middle of the night, Rao is good at Mengyao's spirit. At last, she is a little sleepy.

"Let's go. When they play, we'll go back and have a rest." Looking at Ning Mengyao's drowsy appearance, Qiao Tianchang holds people up and goes straight back to the yard with a word to Nangong Yan.

"They sleep on them, and we go on." Xiao Qitian shouted.

Back in the room, Qiao Tianchang takes Ning Mengyao to wash for a while before he tucks him into the bed.

As in the past, Qiao Tianchang put his hand on Ning Mengyao's already slightly raised abdomen, and his mouth slightly hooked: "baby, I'm dad." Led by Ning Mengyao, now Qiao Tianchang has learned to talk to the child in her belly every day.

Today, however, after Qiao Tianchang said this, his hand was suddenly touched by something.

Qiao Tianchang is like being struck by thunder. His eyes are wide, and he can't believe looking at his hand: "Yaoyao He... He moved? "

Ning Mengyao was amused by Qiao Tianchang's appearance: "well, it's time to move for more than four months, but I didn't expect that the baby would be so proud today."

Qiao Tianchang blinked. He was still in a daze. His hands were still on Ning Mengyao's stomach.

"Baby move again." Joe Tianchang lies on the bed, looking at his hand, whispering.

But this time the baby didn't give it in front of him and didn't move. Just when Qiao Tianchang was disappointed to release his hand, it seemed that he had been hit by something.

Qiao Tianchang was very excited: "the baby is moving again. Is Yao Yao coming out?"

"It's still early, more than five months." Ningmengyao lies on the bed and looks at Qiao Tianchang without sleepiness. She has never seen him like this, especially the way her eyes shine, which makes her feel strange but warm.

That night, because of the baby's fetal movement, it was destined to be a sleepless night for Qiao Tianchang.

The next day, when Ning Mengyao woke up, she took her self-made notebook and wrote on it what happened yesterday.

This is a habit formed after pregnancy. It will record every day's events. Yesterday's scene was written down to let the child know how his father expected his arrival and how excited he was when he felt him.

Qiao Tianchang sat watching Ning Mengyao's diary, saw what he wrote, and touched his nose awkwardly: "my son won't laugh at me later, will he?"