Look at Mu Xue. Her face is red now.

"Wait for me, I'll go back to riding." I came here today. I didn't ride a horse.

Muchen looks at Xiao Qitian who turns away without waiting for him to speak. Suddenly, she is speechless.

"Cher, it depends on what you want. No matter what decision you make, my brother will support you." Muchen suddenly opens her mouth.

Mu Xue was stunned and smiled bitterly: "will dad agree? If Xiao Qitian goes, I'm afraid I'm afraid my father will let me give the marriage to Mu Yu. "

"It's not up to him to interfere in your marriage." Muchen's eyes are cold, with evil spirit.

"This is simple. If you are worried about it, Xue can get tongbaozhai to cooperate with the emperor of Fengguo if necessary." Ning Mengyao knows something about Mu's family.

Mu Yu is mu Xue's common sister, who is very much loved by the Mu family leader. If Xiao Qitian goes like this, the final result may be similar to what Mu Xue said.

Muchen thought about it, and finally frowned: "this..."

"Tianchang, let's go to the palace. You can go later in the morning. If it's OK, Tianchang and I will go back with you." She is the master of tongbaozhai. I'm afraid they are more persuasive than Muchen.

Muchen smiled and nodded, "OK, but can you make a long journey?" After all, she is pregnant now.

"One day."

"Yao'er, thank you." Mu Xue looks at Ning Mengyao gratefully, with tears in her eyes.

Before at home, she and her brother had some inexplicable identities. Her mother died when she was very young. Then they had a stepmother. Although they didn't treat them badly for many times, they were not rich. But after meeting ningmengyao, everything changed. They had a lot of money in their hands. No one knew except their brother and sister.

"We are sisters and good friends. Of course I will help you." She got happiness and wanted to make her good friends happy.

"In the past, I can also finish the marriage of Chen at one time." Mu family is a big family in Fengguo, and their father is the Prime Minister of a country. If he wants to interfere in Mu Chen's marriage, it is very simple.

Mu Chen was stunned, and then understood Ning Mengyao's meaning: "since this is the case, then trouble Xiaoyao."

"Sister Mei, brother-in-law, go to have a rest first. I'll go to the palace with them in the morning, and even Xuanxuan will go with me."


Five people went towards the direction of the palace together. On the way, they met Xiao Qitian, who came to the general's house. They stopped people and told him what they meant.

When he arrived at the imperial study, Xiao Qitian first told Xiao Qifeng that he wanted to marry Mu Xue, and then Mu Chen told Xiao Qifeng and others that they were the children of the Prime Minister of Fengguo.

Xiao Qifeng looked at the two men thoughtfully: "last time, the people from Fengguo intended to marry with Xiaoguo. I'll give you responsibility for Qi Tian's affair, and tell Fengdi that Xiaoguo has made friends with Fengguo for a hundred years."

Muchen looks at Xiao Qifeng in surprise: "what do you mean, emperor?"

"Yes, although Xiao is powerful now, I am not a murderer. Although I want to unify all countries, I would like to reach an agreement with all countries with the permission of the situation. There is no war and let the people live a good life." Does Xiao Qifeng really have no ambition? Actually not. He has ambition, but it depends on where.

Xiao Qitian looked at Xiao Qifeng and said, "thank you, brother."

"Don't say thank you to me." Xiao Qifeng wrote a letter with a pen: "after you pass by, give this letter to the wind emperor."


"Yaoyao, you and Muchen will go back first. I have something to say to Qifeng."

"Let's go first."

After they left, Qiao Tianchang looked at Xiao Qifeng and said, "Yao Yao wants to go there together this time. I'm worried about what's wrong with the Prime Minister of Fengguo. I'll go there together. This time you'll be alone."

"It's also an opportunity." Xiao Qifeng laughed.

Qiao Tianchang picked up his eyebrows and said, "I'll leave all the people in my hand to you, and the spies from Yaoyao's side can also be used for you first."

"This is good."

White Xiao Qifeng one eye, Qiao Tianchang turns around to leave, it seems that he is white worried.